Market orientations in the nonprofit and voluntary sector: A meta-analysis of their relationships with organizational performance A Shoham, A Ruvio, E Vigoda-Gadot, N Schwabsky Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 35 (3), 453-476, 2006 | 277 | 2006 |
School climate, academic self-efficacy and student achievement L Zysberg, N Schwabsky Educational Psychology 41 (4), 467-482, 2021 | 240 | 2021 |
PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION FOR EUROPE: A MULTINATIONAL EIGHT‐COUNTRY EXPLORATION OF CITIZENS’PERSPECTIVES E Vigoda‐Gadot, A Shoham, N Schwabsky, A Ruvio Public Administration 86 (2), 307-329, 2008 | 221 | 2008 |
Organizational innovativeness: construct development and cross‐cultural validation AA Ruvio, A Shoham, E Vigoda‐Gadot, N Schwabsky Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (5), 1004-1022, 2014 | 218 | 2014 |
Public sector innovation for the managerial and the post-managerial era: Promises and realities in a globalizing public administration E Vigoda-Gadot, A Shoham, N Schwabsky, A Ruvio International public management journal 8 (1), 57-81, 2005 | 160 | 2005 |
Testing an organizational innovativeness integrative model across cultures A Shoham, E Vigoda-Gadot, A Ruvio, N Schwabsky Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 29 (2), 226-240, 2012 | 120 | 2012 |
Innovation in the public sector: Summary and Policy Recommendations P Koch, P Cunningham, N Schwabsky, J Hauknes NIFU STEP, 2006 | 118 | 2006 |
Predicting school innovation: The role of collective efficacy and academic press mediated by faculty trust N Schwabsky, U Erdogan, M Tschannen-Moran Journal of Educational Administration 58 (2), 246-262, 2020 | 80 | 2020 |
Teachers’ individual citizenship behavior (ICB): The role of optimism and trust N Schwabsky Journal of Educational Administration 52 (1), 37-57, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Innovation in the public sector E Vigoda-Gadot, A Shoham, A Ruvio, N Schwabsky The University of Haifa and NIFU STEP, Oslo, 2005 | 23 | 2005 |
The role of self-efficacy components in predicting Israeli kindergarten teachers’ educational leadership N Magen-Nagar, N Schwabsky, E Firstater International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Collective teacher efficacy beliefs: testing measurement invariance using alignment optimization among four cultures R Da'as, M Qadach, U Erdogan, N Schwabsky, C Schechter, ... Journal of educational administration 60 (2), 167-187, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Exploring principals’ nonroutine problems in bilingual immersion schools: Lessons learned for multicultural leadership N Schwabsky Journal of School Leadership 23 (5), 789-822, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Report on the publin surveys E Vigoda-Gadot, A Shoham, A Ruvio, N Schwabsky Oslo: PUBLIN Research Project, 2005 | 12 | 2005 |
Towards a performance orientation measurement grid: the impact of innovativeness and organizational learning on organizational performance in the public sector N Schwabsky, E Vigoda-Gadot, A Shoham, A Ruvio European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Meeting. Ljubljana-Slovenia, 2004 | 11 | 2004 |
Principals’ and mentors’ shared responsibilities in induction of beginning teachers N Schwabsky, J Goldenberg, OS Oppenheimer Roczniki Pedagogiczne 11 (3), 5-26, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Factors affecting principals’ adoption of and satisfaction with market-driven externally developed reforms N Schwabsky International Journal of Educational Management 32 (3), 342-358, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Organizational innovativeness in the public sector: towards a nomological network A Shoham, A Ruvio, E Vigoda, N Schwabsky annual meeting of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
School principals: Problem solvers of nonroutine problems in bilingual immersion schools N Schwabsky University of Oregon, 1998 | 4 | 1998 |
Multicultural and democratic curriculum N Schwabsky Changes in Teachers’ Moral Role, 93-105, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |