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K. Andrew DeSoto
K. Andrew DeSoto
Diğer adlarAndy DeSoto, Kurt A. DeSoto
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The curious complexity between confidence and accuracy in reports from memory
HL Roediger, JH Wixted, KA DeSoto
Memory and Law, 84-118, 2012
Positive and negative correlations between confidence and accuracy for the same events in recognition of categorized lists
KA DeSoto, HL Roediger
Psychological Science 25 (3), 781-788, 2014
Forgetting the presidents
HL Roediger III, KA DeSoto
Science 346 (6213), 1106-1109, 2014
Confidence and memory: Assessing positive and negative correlations
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
Memory 22 (1), 76-91, 2014
The psychology of reconstructive memory
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2e 20, 50-55, 2015
Deciding what to replicate: A decision model for replication study selection under resource and knowledge constraints.
PM Isager, R van Aert, Š Bahník, MJ Brandt, KA DeSoto, R Giner-Sorolla, ...
Psychological Methods 28 (2), 438, 2023
Recognizing the presidents: Was Alexander Hamilton president?
KA Roediger, HL, DeSoto
Psychological Science, 2016
Understanding the relation between confidence and accuracy in reports from memory
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
Remembering: Attributions, Processes, and Control in Human Memory, 347-367, 2015
Under the hood of Mechanical Turk
KA Desoto
APS Observer 29 (3), 2016
The power of collective memory
HL Roediger, A DeSoto
Scientific American 28, 2016
Remembering the leaders of China
M Fu, Y Xue, KA DeSoto, T Yuan
Frontiers in Psychology 7 (373), 2016
Study preferences for exemplar variability in self-regulated category learning
CN Wahlheim, KA DeSoto
Memory, 2016
Remembering the presidents
KA DeSoto, HL Roediger III
Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (2), 138-144, 2019
The power of collective memory: What do large groups of people remember-and forget
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
Scientific American 28, 2016
Confidence ratings are better predictors of future performance than delayed judgments of learning
AL Putnam, W Deng, KA DeSoto
Memory 30 (5), 537-553, 2022
Applying confidence accuracy characteristic plots to old/new recognition memory experiments
E Tekin, KA DeSoto, JH Wixted, HL Roediger
Memory, 2021
Replication data collection highlights value in diversity of replication attempts
KA DeSoto, M Schweinsberg
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-3, 2017
Deciding what to replicate: a formal definition of ‘replication value’and a decision model for replication study selection
PM Isager, RCM Van Aert, Š Bahník, M Brandt, KA DeSoto, ...
Preprint. MetaArXiv.(doi: 10. 1037/met0000438), 2020
van’t, Vranka, MA, & Lakens, D.(2020). Deciding what to replicate: A formal definition of “replication value” and a decision model for replication study selection
PM Isager, RCM Aert, Š Bahník, M Brandt, KA DeSoto, R Giner-Sorolla, ...
Psychological Methods, 0
Psychology data on the effects of study schedules on category-member classification
KA DeSoto, CM Votta
Journal of Open Psychology Data 4 (1), 2016
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