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Jérôme Poulenard
Jérôme Poulenard
univ-savoie.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The effect of grass buffer strips on phosphorus dynamics—a critical review and synthesis as a basis for application in agricultural landscapes in France
JM Dorioz, D Wang, J Poulenard, D Trevisan
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 117 (1), 4-21, 2006
Long livestock farming history and human landscape shaping revealed by lake sediment DNA
C Giguet-Covex, J Pansu, F Arnaud, PJ Rey, C Griggo, L Gielly, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3211, 2014
Runoff and soil erosion under rainfall simulation of Andisols from the Ecuadorian Páramo: effect of tillage and burning
J Poulenard, P Podwojewski, JL Janeau, J Collinet
Catena 45 (3), 185-207, 2001
Introduction à la science du sol: Sol, végétation, environnement
P Duchaufour, P Faivre, J Poulenard, M Gury
Dunod, 2017
Overgrazing effects on vegetation cover and properties of volcanic ash soil in the páramo of Llangahua and La Esperanza (Tungurahua, Ecuador)
P Podwojewski, J Poulenard, T Zambrana, R Hofstede
Soil Use and Management 18 (1), 45-55, 2002
Global maps of soil temperature
JJ Lembrechts, J van den Hoogen, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, P De Frenne, ...
Global change biology 28 (9), 3110-3144, 2022
Lake Bourget regional erosion patterns reconstruction reveals Holocene NW European Alps soil evolution and paleohydrology
F Arnaud, S Révillon, M Debret, M Revel, E Chapron, J Jacob, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 51, 81-92, 2012
Erosion under climate and human pressures: An alpine lake sediment perspective
F Arnaud, J Poulenard, C Giguet-Covex, B Wilhelm, S Révillon, JP Jenny, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 152, 1-18, 2016
Changes in erosion patterns during the Holocene in a currently treeless subalpine catchment inferred from lake sediment geochemistry (Lake Anterne, 2063 m asl, NW French Alps …
C Giguet-Covex, F Arnaud, J Poulenard, JR Disnar, C Delhon, P Francus, ...
The Holocene 21 (4), 651-665, 2011
Characteristics of non-allophanic Andisols with hydric properties from the Ecuadorian páramos
J Poulenard, P Podwojewski, AJ Herbillon
Geoderma 117 (3-4), 267-281, 2003
New insights on lake sediment DNA from the catchment: Importance of taphonomic and analytical issues on the record quality
C Giguet-Covex, GF Ficetola, K Walsh, J Poulenard, M Bajard, L Fouinat, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14676, 2019
Reconstructing long‐term human impacts on plant communities: An ecological approach based on lake sediment DNA
J Pansu, C Giguet‐Covex, GF Ficetola, L Gielly, F Boyer, L Zinger, ...
Molecular ecology 24 (7), 1485-1498, 2015
Long-term relationships among pesticide applications, mobility, and soil erosion in a vineyard watershed
P Sabatier, J Poulenard, B Fanget, JL Reyss, AL Develle, B Wilhelm, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (44), 15647-15652, 2014
Gully and sheet erosion on subtropical mountain slopes: Their respective roles and the scale effect
L Descroix, JLG Barrios, D Viramontes, J Poulenard, E Anaya, M Esteves, ...
Catena 72 (3), 325-339, 2008
DNA from lake sediments reveals long-term ecosystem changes after a biological invasion
GF Ficetola, J Poulenard, P Sabatier, E Messager, L Gielly, A Leloup, ...
Science Advances 4 (5), eaar4292, 2018
Infrared spectroscopy tracing of sediment sources in a small rural watershed (French Alps)
J Poulenard, Y Perrette, B Fanget, P Quetin, D Trevisan, JM Dorioz
Science of the Total Environment 407 (8), 2808-2819, 2009
Water repellency of volcanic ash soils from Ecuadorian paramo: effect of water content and characteristics of hydrophobic organic matter
J Poulenard, JC Michel, F Bartoli, JM Portal, P Podwojewski
European Journal of Soil Science 55 (3), 487-496, 2004
Tracing sediment sources in a tropical highland catchment of central Mexico by using conventional and alternative fingerprinting methods
O Evrard, J Poulenard, J Némery, S Ayrault, N Gratiot, C Duvert, C Prat, ...
Hydrological Processes 27 (6), 911-922, 2013
Erosion record in Lake La Thuile sediments (Prealps, France): Evidence of montane landscape dynamics throughout the Holocene
M Bajard, P Sabatier, F David, AL Develle, JL Reyss, B Fanget, E Malet, ...
The Holocene 26 (3), 350-364, 2016
Dynamics of ecological communities following current retreat of glaciers
GF Ficetola, S Marta, A Guerrieri, M Gobbi, R Ambrosini, D Fontaneto, ...
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 52 (1), 405-426, 2021
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