Takip et
Roberto J. Fernández
Roberto J. Fernández
Univ. Buenos Aires, IFEVA-Fac. Agronomía, Argentina - - ORCID id 0000-0003-3094-569X
agro.uba.ar üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Global desertification: building a science for dryland development
JF Reynolds, DMS Smith, EF Lambin, BL Turner, M Mortimore, ...
science 316 (5826), 847-851, 2007
Modifying the ‘pulse–reserve’paradigm for deserts of North America: precipitation pulses, soil water, and plant responses
JF Reynolds, PR Kemp, K Ogle, RJ Fernández
Oecologia 141 (2), 194-210, 2004
Crop intensification, land use, and on-farm energy-use efficiency during the worldwide spread of the green revolution
P Pellegrini, RJ Fernández
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 2335-2340, 2018
Stay wet or else: three ways in which plants can adjust hydraulically to their environment
PH Maseda, RJ Fernández
Journal of Experimental Botany 57 (15), 3963-3977, 2006
Potential growth and drought tolerance of eight desert grasses: lack of a trade-off?
RJ Fernández, JF Reynolds
Oecologia 123 (1), 90-98, 2000
Scientific concepts for an integrated analysis of desertification
JF Reynolds, A Grainger, DM Stafford Smith, G Bastin, L Garcia‐Barrios, ...
Land Degradation & Development 22 (2), 166-183, 2011
Woody and herbaceous aboveground production of a Patagonian steppe
RJ Fernández, OE Sala, RA Golluscio
Journal of Range Management 44 (5), 434-437, 1991
Phenotypic plasticity as an index of drought tolerance in three Patagonian steppe grasses
LL Couso, RJ Fernández
Annals of botany 110 (4), 849-857, 2012
Do morphological changes mediate plant responses to water stress? A steady‐state experiment with two C4 grasses
RJ Fernández, M Wang, JF Reynolds
New Phytologist 155 (1), 79-88, 2002
Aridity and grazing as convergent selective forces: an experiment with an Arid Chaco bunchgrass
RE Quiroga, RA Golluscio, LJ Blanco, RJ Fernández
Ecological applications 20 (7), 1876-1889, 2010
Do humans create deserts?
RJ Fernández
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 17 (1), 6-7, 2002
Degradation and recovery in socio-ecological systems: a view from the household/farm level
RJ Fernandez, ERM Archer, AJ Ash, H Dowlatabadi, PHY Hiernaux, ...
Global desertification: do humans cause deserts, 297-323, 2002
How to be a more effective environmental scientist in management and policy contexts
RJ Fernández
Environmental Science & Policy 64, 171-176, 2016
Growth potential limits drought morphological plasticity in seedlings from six Eucalyptus provenances
FRJ Maseda PH
Tree Physiology 36, 243-251, 2016
Litter is more effective than forest canopy reducing soil evaporation in Dry Chaco rangelands
PN Magliano, R Giménez, J Houspanossian, RA Páez, MD Nosetto, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (7), e1879, 2017
On the frequent lack of response of plants to rainfall events in arid areas
RJ Fernández
Journal of Arid Environments 68 (4), 688-691, 2007
Wheat plant hydraulic properties under prolonged experimental drought: stronger decline in root-system conductance than in leaf area
N Trillo, RJ Fernandez
Plant and Soil 277 (1-2), 277-284, 2005
Rainfall intensity switches ecohydrological runoff/runon redistribution patterns in dryland vegetation patches
PN Magliano, DD Breshears, RJ Fernández, EG Jobbágy
Ecological Applications 25 (8), 2094-2100, 2015
Precipitation event distribution in Central Argentina: spatial and temporal patterns
PN Magliano, RJ Fernández, JL Mercau, EG Jobbágy
Ecohydrology 8 (1), 94-104, 2015
Contrasting demography of two Patagonian shrubs under different conditions of sheep grazing and resource supply
RJ Fernández, AH Nuñez, A Soriano
Oecologia 91 (1), 39-46, 1992
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