Adaptive modified firefly algorithm for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays A Tjahjono, DO Anggriawan, AK Faizin, A Priyadi, M Pujiantara, T Taufik, ... IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (10), 2575-2585, 2017 | 168 | 2017 |
Development of IoT for automated water quality monitoring system RPN Budiarti, A Tjahjono, M Hariadi, MH Purnomo 2019 International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology …, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
Real time series DC arc fault detection based on fast Fourier transform MHRA Syafi’i, E Prasetyono, MK Khafidli, DO Anggriawan, A Tjahjono 2018 International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and …, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic system using adaptive modified firefly algorithm NA Windarko, A Tjahjono, DO Anggriawan, MH Purnomo 2015 International Electronics Symposium (IES), 31-35, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
Pothole visual detection using machine learning method integrated with internet of thing video streaming platform A Rasyid, MRU Albaab, MF Falah, YYF Panduman, AA Yusuf, DK Basuki, ... 2019 International Electronics Symposium (IES), 672-675, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relays in Radial System with Distributed Generation Using Modified Firefly Algorithm MHP Anang Tjahjono, Dimas Okky Anggriawan, Alfa Kusnal Faizin, Ardyono ... International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 7 (Volume 7 …, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Digital overcurrent relay with conventional curve modeling using Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation A Tjahjono, DO Anggriawan, A Priyadi, M Pujiantara, MH Purnomo 2015 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
The vehicle as a mobile sensor network base IoT and big data for pothole detection caused by flood disaster AMR Ulil, S Sukaridhoto, A Tjahjono, DK Basuki IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 239 (1), 012034, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Design and development of low cost coral monitoring system for shallow water based on internet of underwater things AF Abdillah, MH Berlian, YYF Panduman, MAW Akbar, MA Afifah, ... Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 9 …, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Overcurrent relay curve modeling and its application in the real industrial power systems using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system A Tjahjono, DO Anggriawan, A Priyadi, M Pujiantara, MH Purnomo 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual …, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
A survey of IoT platform comparison for building cyber-physical system architecture YYF Panduman, S Sukaridhoto, A Tjahjono 2019 International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
Implementation AC series arc fault recognition using mikrokontroller based on fast Fourier transform MK Khafidli, E Prasetyono, DO Anggriawan, A Tjahjono, MHRA Syafii 2018 International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and …, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Overcurrent relay curve modeling using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system A Tjahjono, A Priyadi, MH Purnomo, M Pujiantara 2014 Makassar International Conference on Electrical Engineering and …, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Photovoltaic module and maximum power point tracking modelling using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System A Tjahjono, OA Qudsi, NA Windarko, DO Anggriawan, A Priyadi, ... 2014 Makassar International Conference on Electrical Engineering and …, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Implementation of microservice architectures on SEMAR extension for air quality monitoring YY Fridelin, MRU Albaab, ARA Besari, S Sukaridhoto, A Tjahjono 2018 International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and …, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Smart detection of AC series arc fault on home voltage line based on fast Fourier transform and artificial neural network MA Abdulrachman, E Prasetyono, DO Anggriawan, A Tjahjono 2019 International Electronics Symposium (IES), 439-445, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Hybrid maximum power point tracking using artificial neural network-incremental conduction with short circuit current of solar panel MN Habibi, NA Windarko, A Tjahjono 2019 International Electronics Symposium (IES), 63-69, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Optimized PI constant for current controller of grid connected inverter with LCL filter using Genetic Algorithm NA Windarko, OA Qudsi, A Tjahjono, OA Dimas, MH Purnomo 2014 Makassar International Conference on Electrical Engineering and …, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Optimization technique based adaptive overcurrent protection in radial system with DG using genetic algorithm M Pujiantara, I Hafidz, A Setiawan, A Priyadi, MH Purnomo, ... 2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
Implementasi Wireless Sensor Network Untuk Monitoring Parameter Energi Listrik Sebagai Peningkatan Layanan Bagi Penyedia Energi Listrik MH Arrosyid, A Tjahjono, E Sunarno eepis final project, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |