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Fariba Abazarsa
Fariba Abazarsa
dot.ca.gov üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Response‐only modal identification of structures using strong motion data
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, MA Ghannad, E Taciroglu
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 42 (8), 1221-1242, 2013
Response‐only modal identification of structures using limited sensors
F Abazarsa, SF Ghahari, F Nateghi, E Taciroglu
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 20 (6), 987-1006, 2013
Seismic structural health monitoring: from theory to successful applications
MP Limongelli, M Çelebi
Springer, 2019
Blind modal identification of structures from spatially sparse seismic response signals
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, MA Ghannad, M Celebi, E Taciroglu
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 21 (5), 649-674, 2014
Efficient model updating of a multi-story frame and its foundation stiffness from earthquake records using a Timoshenko beam model
E Taciroglu, SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 92, 25-35, 2017
Blind identification of the Millikan Library from earthquake data considering soil–structure interaction
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, O Avci, M Çelebi, E Taciroglu
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 23 (4), 684-706, 2016
Extended blind modal identification technique for nonstationary excitations and its verification and validation
F Abazarsa, F Nateghi, SF Ghahari, E Taciroglu
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 142 (2), 04015078, 2016
Blind modal identification of non‐classically damped structures under non‐stationary excitations
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, E Taciroglu
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 24 (6), e1925, 2017
Blind modal identification of non-classically damped systems from free or ambient vibration records
F Abazarsa, F Nateghi, SF Ghahari, E Taciroglu
Earthquake Spectra 29 (4), 1137-1157, 2013
Responses of a tall building with US code-type instrumentation in Tokyo, Japan, to events before, during, and after the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011
M Çelebi, T Kashima, SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, E Taciroglu
Earthquake Spectra 32 (1), 497-522, 2016
An investigation of soil-structure interaction effects observed at the MIT green building
E Taciroglu, M Çelebi, SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa
Earthquake Spectra 32 (4), 2425-2448, 2016
Comparative study of model predictions and data from caltrans/csmip bridge instrumentation program: a case study on the eureka-samoa channel bridge
E Taciroglu, A Shamsabadi, F Abazarsa, RL Nigbor, SF Ghahari
Blind identification of site effects and bedrock motion from surface response signals
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, C Jeong, A Kurtulus, E Taciroglu
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 107, 322-331, 2018
Output‐only model updating of adjacent buildings from sparse seismic response records and identification of their common excitation
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, H Ebrahimian, E Taciroglu
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 27 (9), e2597, 2020
Probabilistic blind identification of site effects from ground surface signals
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, E Taciroglu
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 1079-1104, 2018
Bridge instrumentation: needs, options, and consequences
A Shamsabadi, F Abazarsa, SF Ghahari, R Nigbor, E Taciroglu
Developments in international bridge engineering: Selected papers from …, 2016
Identification of soil-structure systems
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, E Taciroglu
Seismic Structural Health Monitoring: From Theory to Successful Applications …, 2019
Response of a novel beam-to-column connection to monotonic and cyclic flexural loading
SV Khonsari, GL England, M Shahsavar-Gargari, SMH Parvinnia
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 48197 …, 2008
Identification of nonlinear soil properties from downhole array data using a Bayesian model updating approach
F Ghahari, F Abazarsa, H Ebrahimian, W Zhang, P Arduino, E Taciroglu
Sensors 22 (24), 9848, 2022
Considering wave passage effects in blind identification of long-span bridges
SF Ghahari, MA Ghannad, J Norman, A Crewe, F Abazarsa, E Taciroglu
Topics in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 5 …, 2013
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