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Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 1
Stochastic modelling of flow sequences for improved prediction of fluvial flood hazards
S Patidar, D Allen, R Haynes, H Haynes
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 38
Atmospheric transport and deposition of microplastics in a remote mountain catchment
S Allen, D Allen, VR Phoenix, G Le Roux, P Durántez Jiménez, ...
Nature geoscience 12 (5), 339-344, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Atmospheric microplastics: A review on current status and perspectives
Y Zhang, S Kang, S Allen, D Allen, T Gao, M Sillanpää
Earth-Science Reviews 203, 103118, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Examination of the ocean as a source for atmospheric microplastics
S Allen, D Allen, K Moss, G Le Roux, VR Phoenix, JE Sonke
PloS one 15 (5), e0232746, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Microplastics in glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence for the long-range transport of microplastics
Y Zhang, T Gao, S Kang, S Allen, X Luo, D Allen
Science of the total environment 758, 143634, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Microplastics and nanoplastics in the marine-atmosphere environment
D Allen, S Allen, S Abbasi, A Baker, M Bergmann, J Brahney, T Butler, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 3 (6), 393-405, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Helmholtz Association …
Evidence of free tropospheric and long-range transport of microplastic at Pic du Midi Observatory
S Allen, D Allen, F Baladima, VR Phoenix, JL Thomas, G Le Roux, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 7242, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Micro (nano) plastics sources, fate, and effects: What we know after ten years of research
S Allen, D Allen, S Karbalaei, V Maselli, TR Walker
Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 6, 100057, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Gathering at the top? Environmental controls of microplastic uptake and biomagnification in freshwater food webs
S Krause, V Baranov, HA Nel, JD Drummond, A Kukkola, T Hoellein, ...
Environmental Pollution 268, 115750, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Royal Society UK
Associations between urban greenspace and health-related quality of life in children
DS McCracken, DA Allen, AJ Gow
Preventive medicine reports 3, 211-221, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Institutes of Health
The potential for a plastic recycling facility to release microplastic pollution and possible filtration remediation effectiveness
E Brown, A MacDonald, S Allen, D Allen
Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 10, 100309, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Current status and future perspectives of microplastic pollution in typical cryospheric regions
Y Zhang, T Gao, S Kang, H Shi, L Mai, D Allen, S Allen
Earth-Science Reviews 226, 103924, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modelling the long-term suspended sedimentological effects on stormwater pond performance in an urban catchment
S Ahilan, M Guan, N Wright, A Sleigh, D Allen, S Arthur, H Haynes, ...
Journal of hydrology 571, 805-818, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Temporal archive of atmospheric microplastic deposition presented in ombrotrophic peat
D Allen, S Allen, G Le Roux, A Simonneau, D Galop, VR Phoenix
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 8 (11), 954-960, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Multiple rainfall event pollution transport by sustainable drainage systems: the fate of fine sediment pollution
D Allen, S Arthur, H Haynes, V Olive
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 14, 639-652, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
An early comparison of nano to microplastic mass in a remote catchment's atmospheric deposition
S Allen, D Materić, D Allen, A Macdonald, R Holzinger, G Le Roux, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 7, 100104, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, UK Engineering and …
Cryosphere as a temporal sink and source of microplastics in the Arctic region
Y Zhang, T Gao, S Kang, D Allen, Z Wang, X Luo, L Yang, J Chen, Z Hu, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 14 (4), 101566, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Urban sediment transport through an established vegetated swale: Long term treatment efficiencies and deposition
D Allen, V Olive, S Arthur, H Haynes
Water 7 (3), 1046-1067, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
The impacts of natural flood management approaches on in‐channel sediment quality
VJ Janes, RC Grabowski, J Mant, D Allen, JL Morse, H Haynes
River Research and Applications 33 (1), 89-101, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
High Levels of Microplastics in the Arctic Sea Ice Alga Melosira arctica, a Vector to Ice-Associated and Benthic Food Webs
M Bergmann, S Allen, T Krumpen, D Allen
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (17), 6799-6807, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Helmholtz Association, European Commission
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