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Patrick Eisenlohr
Patrick Eisenlohr
Professor of Anthropology, Centre for Modern Indian Studies, University of Göttingen
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Little India: Diaspora, time, and ethnolinguistic belonging in Hindu Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
Univ of California Press, 2006
Language revitalization and new technologies: Cultures of electronic mediation and the refiguring of communities
P Eisenlohr
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 33 (1), 21-45, 2004
Sounding Islam
P Eisenlohr
University of California Press, 2018
Technologies of the spirit: Devotional Islam, sound reproduction and the dialectics of mediation and immediacy in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
Anthropological Theory 9 (3), 273-296, 2009
Temporalities of community: Ancestral language, pilgrimage, and diasporic belonging in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
Journal of Linguistic anthropology 14 (1), 81-98, 2004
The anthropology of media and the question of ethnic and religious pluralism
P Eisenlohr
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 19 (1), 40-55, 2011
The politics of diaspora and the morality of secularism: Muslim identities and Islamic authority in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 12 (2), 395-412, 2006
Media and religious diversity
P Eisenlohr
Annual Review of Anthropology 41 (1), 37-55, 2012
Introduction: What is a medium? Theologies, technologies and aspirations
P Eisenlohr
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 19 (1), 1-5, 2011
Materialities of entextualization: the domestication of sound reproduction in Mauritian Muslim devotional practices
P Eisenlohr
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 20 (2), 314-333, 2010
As Makkah is sweet and beloved, so is Madina: Islam, devotional genres, and electronic mediation in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
American ethnologist 33 (2), 230-245, 2006
Suggestions of movement: Voice and sonic atmospheres in Mauritian Muslim devotional practices
P Eisenlohr
Cultural Anthropology 33 (1), 32-57, 2018
Creole publics: Language, cultural citizenship, and the spread of the nation in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
Comparative studies in society and history 49 (4), 968-996, 2007
Register levels of ethno-national purity: The ethnicization of language and community in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
Language in Society 33 (1), 59-80, 2004
Religious media, devotional Islam, and the morality of ethnic pluralism in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
World Development 39 (2), 261-269, 2011
Reconsidering mediatization of religion: Islamic televangelism in India
P Eisenlohr
Media, Culture & Society 39 (6), 869-884, 2017
Media authenticity and authority in Mauritius: On the mediality of language in religion
P Eisenlohr
Language & Communication 31 (3), 266-273, 2011
Little India: Diaspora
P Eisenlohr
Time, and Ethnolinguistic Belonging in Hindu, 2006
Cosmopolitanism, globalization, and Islamic piety movements in Mauritius
P Eisenlohr
City & Society 24 (1), 7-28, 2012
Mediating disjunctures of time: Ancestral chronotopes in ritual and media practices
P Eisenlohr
Anthropological Quarterly 88 (2), 281-304, 2015
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