Quantum entanglement R Horodecki, P Horodecki, M Horodecki, K Horodecki
Reviews of modern physics 81 (2), 865-942, 2009
11775 2009 Separability of n-particle mixed states: necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of linear maps M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physics Letters A 283 (1-2), 1-7, 2001
5517 2001 Mixed-state entanglement and distillation: Is there a “bound” entanglement in nature? M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical Review Letters 80 (24), 5239, 1998
1614 1998 General teleportation channel, singlet fraction, and quasidistillation M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical Review A 60 (3), 1888, 1999
1172 1999 Violating Bell inequality by mixed spin-12 states: necessary and sufficient condition R Horodecki, P Horodecki, M Horodecki
Physics Letters A 200 (5), 340-344, 1995
1025 1995 Information-theoretic aspects of inseparability of mixed states R Horodecki
Physical Review A 54 (3), 1838, 1996
736 1996 Thermodynamical approach to quantifying quantum correlations J Oppenheim, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical review letters 89 (18), 180402, 2002
658 2002 Inseparable Two Spin- Density Matrices Can Be Distilled to a Singlet Form M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical Review Letters 78 (4), 574, 1997
600 1997 Local versus nonlocal information in quantum-information theory: formalism and phenomena M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki, J Oppenheim, A Sen, U Sen, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (6), 062307, 2005
572 2005 No-local-broadcasting theorem for multipartite quantum correlations M Piani, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical review letters 100 (9), 090502, 2008
550 2008 Quantum information: An introduction to basic theoretical concepts and experiments G Alber, T Beth, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki, M Rötteler, ...
Springer, 2003
541 2003 Bound entanglement can be activated P Horodecki, M Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical review letters 82 (5), 1056, 1999
474 1999 Limits for entanglement measures M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical Review Letters 84 (9), 2014, 2000
450 2000 Dynamics of quantum entanglement K Życzkowski, P Horodecki, M Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical Review A 65 (1), 012101, 2001
445 2001 Teleportation, Bell's inequalities and inseparability R Horodecki, M Horodecki, P Horodecki
Physics Letters A 222 (1-2), 21-25, 1996
342 1996 Quantum α-entropy inequalities: independent condition for local realism? R Horodecki, P Horodecki, M Horodecki
Physics Letters A 210 (6), 377-381, 1996
296 1996 Local information as a resource in distributed quantum systems M Horodecki, K Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki, J Oppenheim, ...
Physical review letters 90 (10), 100402, 2003
244 2003 Local environment can enhance fidelity of quantum teleportation P Badziag, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical Review A 62 (1), 012311, 2000
224 2000 On thermal stability of topological qubit in Kitaev's 4D model R Alicki, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 17 (01), 1-20, 2010
177 2010 Thermodynamics of quantum information systems—Hamiltonian description R Alicki, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 11, 205-217, 2004
173 2004