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Dana Schlomiuk
Dana Schlomiuk
dms.umontreal.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Algebraic particular integrals, integrability and the problem of the center
D Schlomiuk
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 338 (2), 799-841, 1993
Algebraic and geometric aspects of the theory of polynomial vector fields
D Schlomiuk
Bifurcations and periodic orbits of vector fields, 429-467, 1993
Geometry of quadratic differential systems in the neighborhood of infinity
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Journal of Differential Equations 215 (2), 357-400, 2005
The geometry of quadratic differential systems with a weak focus of second order
JC Artes, J Llibre, D Schlomiuk
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16 (11), 3127-3194, 2006
The geometry of quadratic differential systems with a weak focus of third order
J Llibre, D Schlomiuk
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 56 (2), 310-343, 2004
Integrals and phase portraits of planar quadratic differential systems with invariant lines of at least five total multiplicity
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2015-2075, 2008
Elementary first integrals and algebraic invariant curves of differential equations
D Schlomiuk
Exposition. Math 11 (5), 433-454, 1993
The full study of planar quadratic differential systems possessing a line of singularities at infinity
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 20, 737-775, 2008
Planar quadratic differential systems with invariant straight lines of total multiplicity four
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 68 (4), 681-715, 2008
Global classification of the planar Lotka–Volterra differential systems according to their configurations of invariant straight lines
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 8 (1), 177-245, 2010
Integrals and phase portraits of planar quadratic differential systems with invariant lines of total multiplicity four
S Dana, V Nicolae
Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 56 (1), 27-83, 2008
Planar quadratic differential systems with invariant straight lines of at least five total multiplicity
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 5, 135-194, 2004
Integrability of plane quadratic vector fields
D Schlomiuk, J Guckenheimer, R Rand
Exposition. Math 8 (1), 3-25, 1990
Global topological classification of Lotka–Volterra quadratic differential systems
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Electron. J. Differential Equations 64 (2012), 69, 2012
On the geometry in the neighborhood of infinity of quadratic differential systems with a weak focus
D Schlomiuk, J Pal
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 2 (1), 1-43, 2001
The centres in the reduced Kukles system
C Rousseau, D Schlomiuk, P Thibaudeau
Nonlinearity 8 (4), 541, 1995
Summing up the dynamics of quadratic Hamiltonian systems with a center
J Pal, D Schlomiuk
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 49 (3), 582-599, 1997
From topological to geometric equivalence in the classification of singularities at infinity for quadratic vector fields
JC Artes, J Llibre, D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Bifurcations and periodic orbits of Vector Fields
D Schlomiuk
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Planar quadratic vector fields with invariant lines of total multiplicity at least five
D Schlomiuk, N Vulpe
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 5, 135-194, 2004
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