Takip et
Manuel López Chicano
Manuel López Chicano
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Granada
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Factors which determine the hydrogeochemical behaviour of karstic springs. A case study from the Betic Cordilleras, Spain
M Lopez-Chicano, M Bouamama, A Vallejos, A Pulido-Bosch
Applied Geochemistry 16 (9-10), 1179-1192, 2001
Human impact in a tourist karstic cave (Aracena, Spain)
A Pulido-Bosch, W Martin-Rosales, M López-Chicano, ...
Environmental geology 31 (3), 142-149, 1997
Combined time domain electromagnetic soundings and gravimetry to determine marine intrusion in a detrital coastal aquifer (Southern Spain)
C Duque, ML Calvache, A Pedrera, W Martín-Rosales, M López-Chicano
Journal of Hydrology 349 (3-4), 536-547, 2008
Integrated geophysical methods for studying the karst system of Gruta de las Maravillas (Aracena, Southwest Spain)
FJ Martínez-Moreno, J Galindo-Zaldívar, A Pedrera, T Teixido, P Ruano, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 107, 149-162, 2014
Regional-scale high-plasticity clay-bearing formation as controlling factor on landslides in Southeast Spain
JM Azañón, A Azor, J Yesares, M Tsige, RM Mateos, F Nieto, J Delgado, ...
Geomorphology 120 (1-2), 26-37, 2010
Conditioning factors in flooding of karstic poljes—the case of the Zafarraya polje (South Spain)
M López-Chicano, ML Calvache, W Martın-Rosales, J Gisbert
Catena 49 (4), 331-352, 2002
Identification of leakage and potential areas for internal erosion combining ERT and IP techniques at the Negratín Dam left abutment (Granada, southern Spain)
FJ Martínez-Moreno, F Delgado-Ramos, J Galindo-Zaldívar, ...
Engineering Geology 240, 74-80, 2018
Numerical modelling of the potential effects of a dam on a coastal aquifer in S. Spain
ML Calvache, S Ibáñez, C Duque, W Martín‐Rosales, M López‐Chicano, ...
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (9), 1268-1281, 2009
Contribución al conocimiento del sistema hidrogeológico kárstico de Sierra Gorda y su entorno (Granada y Málaga)
M López Chicano
Contribucion al conocimiento del sistema hidrogeológico kárstico de Sierra …, 1993
Geochemistry of thermal springs, Alhama de Granada (southern Spain)
M López-Chicano, JC Ceron, A Vallejos, A Pulido-Bosch
Applied geochemistry 16 (9-10), 1153-1163, 2001
Morphometric analysis of karst depressions on a Mediterranean karst massif
E Pardo‐igúzquiza, A Pulido‐bosch, M López‐chicano, JJ Durán
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 98 (3), 247-263, 2016
Evaluation of analytical methods to study aquifer properties with pumping tests in coastal aquifers with numerical modelling (Motril-Salobreña aquifer)
ML Calvache, JP Sánchez-Úbeda, C Duque, M López-Chicano, ...
Water Resources Management 30, 559-575, 2016
Kinematics of faults between Subbetic Units during the Miocene (central sector of the Betic Cordillera)
J Galindo-Zaldívar, P Ruano, A Jabaloy, M López-Chicano
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary …, 2000
Groundwater contamination in caves: four case studies in Spain
M Jiménez-Sánchez, H Stoll, I Vadillo, M López-Chicano, ...
International Journal of Speleology 37 (1), 5, 2008
Recharge sources and hydrogeological effects of irrigation and an influent river identified by stable isotopes in the Motril‐Salobreña aquifer (Southern Spain)
C Duque, M López‐Chicano, ML Calvache, W Martín‐Rosales, ...
Hydrological Processes 25 (14), 2261-2274, 2011
Regional prediction of landslides in the Tramuntana Range (Majorca) using probability analysis of intense rainfall
RM Mateos, JM Azañón, R Morales, M López-Chicano
Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 51 (3), 287-306, 2007
Evaluation of the environmental contamination at an abandoned mining site using multivariate statistical techniques—the Rodalquilar (Southern Spain) mining district
MG Bagur, S Morales, M López-Chicano
Talanta 80 (1), 377-384, 2009
Buried marine-cut terraces and submerged marine-built terraces: the Carchuna-Calahonda coastal area (southeast Iberian Peninsula)
M Martinez-Martos, J Galindo-Zaldivar, FJ Lobo, A Pedrera, P Ruano, ...
Geomorphology 264, 29-40, 2016
Causas de las variaciones de la conductividad eléctrica del agua subterránea en el acuífero de Motril-Salobreña, España
CI Rodriguez, C Duque, ML Calvache, M López Chicano
Sociedad Geológica de España, 2010
Gypsum karst in the Betic Cordillera (south Spain)
JM Calaforra, A Pulido-Bosch, M Lopez-Chicano
Carbonates and Evaporites 17, 134-141, 2002
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