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Christian Wittrock
Christian Wittrock
Researcher, the Work Research Institute, Oslo Metropolitan University
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation: Organisational and National Conditions
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg, A Pols, P Macnaghten, D Ludwig
Springer Nature, 2021
Reembedding Lean: The Japanese cultural and religious context of a world changing management concept
C Wittrock
International Journal of Sociology 45 (2), 95-111, 2015
Methods for the study of management ideas
D Strang, C Wittrock
Oxford Handbook of Management Ideas, 86-103, 2019
Tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i offentlig sektor i Norge: Mye hørt, men lite sett?
Å Johnsen, H Svare, C Wittrock
Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 99 (1), 2022
Does trust-based management reform enhance employee-driven innovation? Evidence from a Scandinavian capital
H Svare, Å Johnsen, C Wittrock
Nordic Journal of Innovation in the Public Sector 2 (1), 43-58, 2023
Research protocol: A cluster-randomised study evaluating the effects of a model for improving inter-professional collaboration in Norwegian primary schools
T Saltkjel, AG Tøge, I Malmberg-Heimonen, E Borg, ST Lyng, C Wittrock, ...
International Journal of Educational Research 91, 41-48, 2018
Handbook for Organisations Aimed at Strengthening Responsible Research and Innovation
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg
https://www.rri-practice.eu/knowledge-repository/practical-handbook/, 2019
The potential for learning from good RRI practices and implications for the usefulness of RRI as an umbrella concept
EM Forsberg, C Wittrock
The Learning Organization 30 (6), 687-712, 2023
Introduction to RRI and the Organisational Study
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg, A Pols, P Macnaghten, D Ludwig
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation, 7-22, 2021
Et lag rundt eleven. En klynge-randomisert evaluering av LOG-modellen.
I Malmberg-Heimonen, AG Tøge, ST Lyng, E Borg, Ø Pålshaugen, ...
Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet–Oslo Metropolitan University, 2020
Overview of National Sociotechnical Imaginaries
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg, A Pols, P Macnaghten, D Ludwig
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation, 75-103, 2021
Ledelse og organisering av innovasjonsprosesser i Gran og Lunner kommuner: En casestudie av implementering av hverdagsmestring i helse og omsorg
C Wittrock, MH Ingelsrud, R Norvoll
http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12199/2985 2, 152, 2020
Mentorprogrammer i virksomheder og organisationer
KM Poulsen, C Wittrock
https://books.google.no/books/about/Ment, 2012
Tverrfaglig samarbeid i skolen. En oppfølgingsstudie av Et lag rundt eleven-prosjektet
E Borg, C Wittrock, ST Lyng, AG Tøge, F Restad
Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet-storbyuniversitetet, 2022
Et lag rundt læreren. En klynge-randomisert evaluering av LOG-modellen (AFI-rapport 2020: 7). Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet
I Malmberg-Heimonen, AG Tøge, ST Lyng, E Borg, Ø Pålshaugen, ...
Conclusion to the Book
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg, A Pols, P Macnaghten, D Ludwig
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation, 115-120, 2021
Comparison of Imaginaries Across Countries and Wider Implications
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg, A Pols, P Macnaghten, D Ludwig
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation, 105-111, 2021
Coaching barometret 2009: en foreløbig oversigt over coachingens udbredelse og anvendelse i Danmark
C Wittrock, V Didriksen, R Stelter
Personalechefen, 2009
Organisational Barriers for RRI
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg, A Pols, P Macnaghten, D Ludwig
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation, 37-51, 2021
About This Book and the RRI-Practice Study
C Wittrock, EM Forsberg, A Pols, P Macnaghten, D Ludwig
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation, 1-4, 2021
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