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Alexander Strukelj
Alexander Strukelj
englund.lu.se üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
One page of text: Eye movements during regular and thorough reading, skimming, and spell checking
A Strukelj, DC Niehorster
Journal of Eye Movement Research 11 (1), 10.16910/jemr. 11.1. 1, 2018
Exploring the lack of a disfluency effect: Evidence from eye movements
A Strukelj, K Scheiter, M Nyström, K Holmqvist
Metacognition and Learning 11, 71-88, 2016
Film music and visual attention: A pilot experiment using eye-tracking
AK Wallengren, A Strukelj
Music and the Moving Image 8 (2), 69-80, 2015
A New Look on Ekphrasis: an Eye-tracking Experiment on a Cinematic Example
CC Killander, L Lutas, A Strukelj
Ekphrasis. Images, Cinema, Theatre. Media 12 (2), 10-31, 2014
Into the film with music: measuring eyeblinks to explore the role of film music in emotional arousal and narrative transportation
AK Wallengren, A Strukelj
Seeing into Screens: Eye Tracking and the Moving Image, eds T. Dwyer, C …, 2018
Social context modulates basic properties of oculomotor control
A Strukelj, T Foulsham, M Nyström
Journal of Eye Movement Research 9 (2), 2016
The impact of sound presentations on executive control: Evidence from eye movements
A Strukelj, KJ Brännström, N Holmberg, F Mossberg, K Holmqvist
Psychology of Music 44 (5), 996-1011, 2016
Exploring the lack of a disfluency effect: Evidence from eye movements. Metacognition and Learning, 11 (1), 71–88
A Strukelj, K Scheiter, M Nyström, K Holmqvist
Praktiska erfarenheter av syntolkning: en intervjustudie
A Strukelj
Lund University Cognitive Studies 166, 2016
Text comprehension during noise exposure: Effects on eye movements, galvanic skin responses and subjective performance
A Strukelj, N Holmberg, P Lindström, F Mossberg, J Brännström, ...
Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking, 2012, 2012
Reading expectations: How expectations influence our reading, eye movements, opinions, and judgments
A Strukelj
The effects of conceptual and perceptual difficulty on processing and engagement in text during reading and learning
A Strukelj, M Nyström, K Holmqvist
19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2017
Measuring Eyeblinks to Explore
AK Wallengren, A Strukelj
Seeing into Screens: Eye Tracking and the Moving Image, 65, 2018
Both failed and successful detection of incongruities affect the reading process: Evidence from eye movements
A Strukelj, R Andersson, C Paradis
Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental and Computational perspectives, 2017
Expecting the expected: Semantic incongruities are judged differently depending on the source during sentence judgment tasks
A Strukelj, R Andersson, C Paradis
The 6th Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, 2017
Kan dina förväntningar förändra ditt beteende?: Konflikten mellan dina förväntningar och verkligheten
A Strukelj
HT-dagarna 2016, 2016
The adaptation period for blurry text: Low-pass filtered text is read fast initially but slows down over time, and does not improve learning outcomes
A Strukelj, K Scheiter, M Nyström, K Holmqvist
European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM, 2015, 2015
Sanning ur din hjärnas synvinkel
A Strukelj
Humanist-och teologdagarna, tema" Sanningar", 2014
Vad tycker syntolkar och brukare är viktigt i syntolkning?
A Strukelj, J Holsanova
Third workshop on audio description, 2014
Your Very Helpful Brain in Action: Immediate Disruptions of the Reading Process and Lingering Effects of Error Correction
A Strukelj, R Andersson, C Paradis
Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language (CSDL 12), 2014
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