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Pablo González-Brevis
Pablo González-Brevis
udd.cl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Base station location optimization for minimal energy consumption in wireless networks
P Gonzalez-Brevis, J Gondzio, Y Fan, HV Poor, J Thompson, I Krikidis, ...
2011 IEEE 73rd vehicular technology conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2011
New developments in the primal–dual column generation technique
J Gondzio, P González-Brevis, P Munari
European Journal of Operational Research 224 (1), 41-51, 2013
Large-scale optimization with the primal-dual column generation method
J Gondzio, P González-Brevis, P Munari
Mathematical Programming Computation 8, 47-82, 2016
A new warmstarting strategy for the primal-dual column generation method
J Gondzio, P González-Brevis
Mathematical Programming 152, 113-146, 2015
A note on the primal-dual column generation method for combinatorial optimization
P Munari, P González-Brevis, J Gondzio
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 37, 309-314, 2011
Advances in interior point methods and column generation
P González Brevis, P Brevis
The University of Edinburgh, 2013
Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients 90 Years or Older with Moderate to Severe Acute Ischemic Stroke Increases Ambulation at Discharge and Is Safe: A Prospective Cohort Study …
P González-Brevis, P Lavados, AI Aguirre, A Brunser, VV Olavarría
New developments in the primal-dual column generation
J Gondzio, P González-Brevis, P Munari
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Makaleler 1–8