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Didier Orange
Didier Orange
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Alıntı yapanlar
Runoff and sediment losses from 27 upland catchments in Southeast Asia: Impact of rapid land use changes and conservation practices
C Valentin, F Agus, R Alamban, A Boosaner, JP Bricquet, V Chaplot, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 128 (4), 225-238, 2008
Spatial and seasonal dynamics of total suspended sediment and organic carbon species in the Congo River
A Coynel, P Seyler, H Etcheber, M Meybeck, D Orange
Global biogeochemical cycles 19 (4), 2005
Spatiotemporal variations in hydrological regimes within Central Africa during the XXth century
A Laraque, G Mahé, D Orange, B Marieu
Journal of hydrology 245 (1-4), 104-117, 2001
Long-term monitoring (1960–2008) of the river-sediment transport in the Red River Watershed (Vietnam): Temporal variability and dam-reservoir impact
TH Dang, A Coynel, D Orange, G Blanc, H Etcheber, LA Le
Science of the Total Environment 408 (20), 4654-4664, 2010
Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam: assessing local variations using geographically weighted regression
F Clement, D Orange, M Williams, C Mulley, M Epprecht
Applied Geography 29 (4), 561-576, 2009
Hydrological regime and water budget of the Red River Delta (Northern Vietnam)
TNM Luu, J Garnier, G Billen, D Orange, J Némery, TPQ Le, HT Tran, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 37 (3), 219-228, 2010
Land-use impacts on surface runoff and soil detachment within agricultural sloping lands in Northern Vietnam
P Podwojewski, D Orange, P Jouquet, C Valentin, JL Janeau, DT Tran
Catena 74 (2), 109-118, 2008
Relations eaux de surface–eaux souterraines d'une rivière tropicale au Mali
G Mahé, JC Olivry, R Dessouassi, D Orange, F Bamba, E Servat
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary …, 2000
The rehabilitation of tropical soils using compost and vermicompost is affected by the presence of endogeic earthworms
P Jouquet, T Plumere, TD Thu, C Rumpel, TT Duc, D Orange
Applied Soil Ecology 46 (1), 125-133, 2010
Contradictory hydrological impacts of afforestation in the humid tropics evidenced by long-term field monitoring and simulation modelling
G Lacombe, O Ribolzi, A De Rouw, A Pierret, K Latsachak, N Silvera, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (7), 2691-2704, 2016
Do compost and vermicompost improve macronutrient retention and plant growth in degraded tropical soils?
EP Jouquet, E Bloquel, TT Doan, M Ricoy, D Orange, C Rumpel, TT Duc
Compost science & utilization 19 (1), 15-24, 2011
Soil erosion, dissolved organic carbon and nutrient losses under different land use systems in a small catchment in northern Vietnam
JL Janeau, LC Gillard, S Grellier, P Jouquet, TPQ Le, TNM Luu, QA Ngo, ...
Agricultural water management 146, 314-323, 2014
Major and trace element geochemistry in the upper Niger river (Mali): physical and chemical weathering rates and CO2 consumption
C Picouet, B Dupré, D Orange, M Valladon
Chemical Geology 185 (1-2), 93-124, 2002
Influence of earthworms and termites on runoff and erosion in a tropical steep slope fallow in Vietnam: a rainfall simulation experiment
P Jouquet, JL Janeau, A Pisano, HT Sy, D Orange, LTN Minh, C Valentin
Applied Soil Ecology 61, 161-168, 2012
N, P, Si budgets for the Red River Delta (northern Vietnam): how the delta affects river nutrient delivery to the sea
TNM Luu, J Garnier, G Billen, TPQ Le, J Nemery, D Orange, LA Le
Biogeochemistry 107, 241-259, 2012
Long term monitoring of the chemical composition of precipitation and wet deposition fluxes over three Sahelian savannas
D Laouali, C Galy-Lacaux, B Diop, C Delon, D Orange, JP Lacaux, ...
Atmospheric Environment 50, 314-327, 2012
Above-ground earthworm casts affect water runoff and soil erosion in Northern Vietnam
P Jouquet, P Podwojewski, N Bottinelli, J Mathieu, M Ricoy, D Orange, ...
Catena 74 (1), 13-21, 2008
Impact of anthropogenic activities on water quality and plankton communities in the Day River (Red River Delta, Vietnam)
HTT Hoang, TT Duong, KT Nguyen, QTP Le, MTN Luu, DA Trinh, AH Le, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-18, 2018
The effects of climate changes on river baseflow and aquifer storage in Central Africa
D Orange, AJ Wesselink, G Mahe, CT Feizoure
IAHS Publication 240, 113-123, 1997
Influence of changes in land use and earthworm activities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a steepland ecosystem in Northern Vietnam
P Jouquet, F Bernard-Reversat, N Bottinelli, D Orange, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 44, 69-77, 2007
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