Takip et
Yusuf  F. Zakariya
Yusuf F. Zakariya
Department of Science Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
abu.edu.ng üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Effects of school climate and teacher self-efficacy on job satisfaction of mostly STEM teachers: a structural multigroup invariance approach
YF Zakariya
International Journal of STEM Education 7, 1-12, 2020
Improving Students’ Mathematics Self-Efficacy: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies
YF Zakariya
Frontiers in Psychology, 6082, 2022
University students’ learning approaches: An adaptation of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire to Norwegian
YF Zakariya, K Bjørkestøl, HK Nilsen, S Goodchild, M Lorås
Studies in Educational Evaluation 64, 100816, 2020
Teacher job satisfaction across 38 countries and economies: An alignment optimization approach to a cross-cultural mean comparison
YF Zakariya, K Bjørkestøl, HK Nilsen
International Journal of Educational Research 101, 101573, 2020
Development of mathematics anxiety scale: Factor analysis as a determinant of subcategories
YF Zakariya
Journal of Pedagogical Research 2 (2), 135-144, 2018
Cronbach’s alpha in mathematics education research: Its appropriateness, overuse, and alternatives in estimating scale reliability
YF Zakariya
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
Self-efficacy and approaches to learning mathematics among engineering students: empirical evidence for potential causal relations
YF Zakariya, HK Nilsen, S Goodchild, K Bjørkestøl
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1-15, 2020
Inverse graphs associated with finite groups
MR Alfuraidan, YF Zakariya
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 5 (1), 142–154, 2017
Self-efficacy between previous and current mathematics performance of undergraduate students: an instrumental variable approach to exposing a causal relationship
YF Zakariya
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2021
Investigating Some Construct Validity Threats to TALIS 2018 Teacher Job Satisfaction Scale: Implications for Social Science Researchers and Practitioners
YF Zakariya
Social Sciences 9 (4), 38, 2020
Study approaches in higher education mathematics: Investigating the statistical behaviour of an instrument translated into Norwegian
YF Zakariya
Education Sciences 9 (3), 191, 2019
Calculus Self-Efficacy Inventory: Its Development and Relationship with Approaches to learning
YF Zakariya, S Goodchild, K Bjørkestøl, HK Nilsen
Education Sciences 9 (3), 170, 2019
Job satisfaction of mathematics teachers: An empirical investigation to quantify the contributions of teacher self-efficacy and teacher motivation to teach
YF Zakariya, Y Wardat
Mathematics Education Research Journal 36 (4), 791-813, 2023
Investigation into the Causes of Poor Academic Performance in Mathematics among Nigerian Undergraduate Students
YF Zakariya, EF Bamidele
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 1 (1), 1-5, 2015
Unpacking the black‐box of students' visual attention in Mathematics and English classrooms: Empirical evidence using mini‐video recording gadgets
D Farsani, F Radmehr, M Alizadeh, YF Zakariya
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2020
On the exponential solutions to three extracts from extended fifth-order KdV equation
AR Seadawy, RI Nuruddeen, KS Aboodh, YF Zakariya
Journal of King Saud University-Science 32 (1), 765-769, 2020
Development of Attitudes towards Mathematics Scale (ATMS) using Nigerian Data – Factor Analysis as a Determinant of Attitude Subcategories
YF Zakariya
International Journal of Progressive Education 13 (2), 74-84, 2017
Analysis of relationships between prior knowledge, approaches to learning, and mathematics performance among engineering students
YF Zakariya, HK Nilsen, K Bjørkestøl, S Goodchild
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1-19, 2021
Analysing the fractional heat diffusion equation solution in comparison with the new fractional derivative by decomposition method
RI Nuruddeen, FD Zaman, YF Zakariya
Malaya Journal of Matematik 7 (2), 213-222, 2019
Impact of a social constructivist instructional strategy on performance in algebra with a focus on secondary school students
UA Ginga, YF Zakariya
Education Research International 2020 (1), 3606490, 2020
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