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Turgay Batbat
Turgay Batbat
erciyes.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Combining functional near-infrared spectroscopy and EEG measurements for the diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
A Güven, M Altınkaynak, N Dolu, M İzzetoğlu, F Pektaş, S Özmen, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 8367-8380, 2020
Optimum assembly sequence planning system using discrete artificial bee colony algorithm
Ö Özmen, T Batbat, T Özen, C Sinanoğlu, A Güven
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 3407646, 2018
Prediction of slipper pressure distribution and leakage behaviour in axial piston pumps using ANN and MGGP
Ö Özmen, C Sınanoğlu, T Batbat, A Güven
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (1), 7317520, 2019
Evaluation of filters over different stimulation models in evoked potentials
A Güven, T Batbat
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 39 (2), 339-349, 2019
Protein structure prediction with discrete artificial bee colony algorithm
International Journal of Informatics Technologies 9 (3), 263, 2016
Evaluation of divided attention using different stimulation models in event-related potentials
T Batbat, A Güven, N Dolu
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 57, 2069-2079, 2019
Analysis of the effect of different attention types on evoked potentials by P100 wave
A Güven, N Dolu, T Batbat, M Demi̇r
2015 Medical Technologies National Conference (TIPTEKNO), 1-4, 2015
İşitsel ve görsel uyaranların bölünmüş dikkate etkisinin P300 dalgası ile analizi
A Güven, N Dolu, T Batbat, M Demir
Ulusal Fizyoloji Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2015
Evaluation of emotions from brain signals on 3D VAD space via artificial intelligence techniques
Ü Işık, A Güven, T Batbat
Diagnostics 13 (13), 2141, 2023
Protein yapısının yapay arı kolonisi algoritması ile tahmini
T Batbat, C Öztürk
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2016
Multimodal analysis of cortical activation in young male adults with internet gaming disorder: A resting state EEG-fNIRS study
M Altınkaynak, D Yeşilbaş, T Batbat, A Güven, E Uğurgöl, E Demirci, ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research 177, 368-377, 2024
Olay İlintili Potansiyeller Üzerinden Dikkatin Hu Momentleri Yardımıyla Tespiti
T Batbat, A Guven, N Dolu
Academic Perspective Procedia 2 (3), 553-562, 2019
Exploration of gender differences on attention levels with cancellation tests
A Güven, T Batbat, ND Emekli, M Demir
2017 Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO), 1-3, 2017
Farklı Dikkat Tiplerinin Uyarılmış Potansiyeller İle Sınıflandırılması Classification of Different Attention Types With Evoked Potentials
T Batbat, A Güven, N Dolu, M Demir
Tiptekno2016, 106-109, 2016
İşitsel ve görsel uyaranlar ile elde edilen uyarılmış potansiyel sinyallerinden farklı dikkat durumlarının değerlendirilmesi
T Batbat
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020
Evaluation of Reaction Time During Asynchronous Oddball Paradigm
E Uğurgöl, D Yeşilbaş, M Altınkaynak, T Batbat, A Güven, N Dolu, ...
The European Journal of Research and Development 4 (3), 1-10, 2024
Investigating the neural correlates of stroop effect using the multilayer perceptron neural network
E Uğurgöl, M Altınkaynak, D Yeşilbaş, T Batbat, A Güven, E Demirci, ...
Experimental Biomedical Research 7 (4), 171-187, 2024
Doğrusal olmayan EEG dinamikleri ile anksiyete tespiti
E Uğurgöl, T Batbat, D Yesilbas, M ALTINKAYNAK, A Güven, E Demirci, ...
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 13 (2), 1-1, 2024
Effect of Internet Gaming Disorder Over Reaction Time Based with Audio-Visual Stimulus
E Ugurgol, D Yesilbas, M Altinkaynak, T Batbat, A Guven, N Dolu, ...
Research Article Prediction of Slipper Pressure Distribution and Leakage Behaviour in Axial Piston Pumps Using ANN and MGGP
Ö Özmen, C SJnanoLlu, T Batbat, AG Güven
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