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John L Fitzpatrick
John L Fitzpatrick
zoologi.su.se üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Alıntı yapanlar
Sperm wars and the evolution of male fertility
L Simmons, J Fitzpatrick
Reproduction, 2012
Female promiscuity promotes the evolution of faster sperm in cichlid fishes
JL Fitzpatrick, R Montgomerie, JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, N Kolm, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (4), 1128-1132, 2009
Sexual selection and the evolution of sperm quality
JL Fitzpatrick, S Lüpold
Molecular Human Reproduction 20 (12), 1180-1189, 2014
Toxicity of dissolved Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd to developing embryos of the blue mussel (Mytilus trossolus) and the protective effect of dissolved organic carbon
SR Nadella, JL Fitzpatrick, N Franklin, C Bucking, S Smith, CM Wood
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2009
Evolutionary trade-off between secondary sexual traits and ejaculates
LW Simmons, S Lüpold, JL Fitzpatrick
Trends in ecology & evolution 32 (12), 964-976, 2017
Female monopolization mediates the relationship between pre-and postcopulatory sexual traits
S Lüpold, JL Tomkins, LW Simmons, JL Fitzpatrick
Nature communications 5 (1), 3184, 2014
How sperm competition shapes the evolution of testes and sperm: a meta-analysis
S Lüpold, RA de Boer, JP Evans, JL Tomkins, JL Fitzpatrick
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1813), 20200064, 2020
Male contest competition and the coevolution of weaponry and testes in pinnipeds
JL Fitzpatrick, M Almbro, A Gonzalez‐Voyer, N Kolm, LW Simmons
Evolution, 2012
The potential impacts of migratory difficulty, including warmer waters and altered flow conditions, on the reproductive success of salmonid fishes
M Fenkes, HA Shiels, JL Fitzpatrick, RL Nudds
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2016
Reduced heterozygosity impairs sperm quality in endangered mammals
JL Fitzpatrick, JP Evans
Biology letters 5 (3), 320-323, 2009
Sexual selection determines parental care patterns in cichlid fishes
A Gonzalez-Voyer, JL Fitzpatrick, N Kolm
Evolution 62 (8), 2015-2026, 2008
The relative sensitivity of sperm, eggs and embryos to copper in the blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus)
JL Fitzpatrick, S Nadella, C Bucking, S Balshine, CM Wood
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2008
Sex differences in rates of territory joining and inheritance in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish
KA Stiver, J Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, S Balshine
Animal Behaviour 71 (2), 449-456, 2006
Assessing the potential for egg chemoattractants to mediate sexual selection in a broadcast spawning marine invertebrate
JP Evans, F Garcia-Gonzalez, M Almbro, O Robinson, JL Fitzpatrick
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1739), 2855-2861, 2012
Polyandry reduces sperm length variation in social insects
JL Fitzpatrick, B Baer
Evolution 65 (10), 3006-3012, 2011
Multiple male reproductive morphs in the invasive round goby (Apollonia melanostoma)
JR Marentette, JL Fitzpatrick, RG Berger, S Balshine
Journal of Great Lakes Research 35 (2), 302-308, 2009
Linking sperm length and velocity: the importance of intramale variation
JL Fitzpatrick, F Garcia-Gonzalez, JP Evans
Biology Letters 6 (6), 797-799, 2010
Complex patterns of multivariate selection on the ejaculate of a broadcast spawning marine invertebrate
JL Fitzpatrick, LW Simmons, JP Evans
Evolution, 2012
Sex and status in a cooperative breeding fish: behavior and androgens
JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, JL Fitzpatrick, N Milligan, GJ Van Der Kraak, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62, 785-794, 2008
Male reproductive suppression in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher
JL Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, R Montgomerie, S Balshine
Behavioral Ecology 17 (1), 25-33, 2006
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