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Miguel Angel Cabrera
Miguel Angel Cabrera
Diğer adlarMiguel Cabrera
Section of Geo-Engineering, Dept. Geosciences & Engineering, TU Delft
tudelft.nl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Granular-front formation in free-surface flow of concentrated suspensions
A Leonardi, M Cabrera, FK Wittel, R Kaitna, M Mendoza, W Wu, ...
Physical Review E 92 (5), 052204, 2015
Granular column collapse: Analysis of grain-size effects
M Cabrera, N Estrada
Physical Review E 99 (1), 012905, 2019
Wave generation across a continuum of landslide conditions from the collapse of partially submerged to fully submerged granular columns
MA Cabrera, G Pinzon, WA Take, RP Mulligan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, e2020JC016465, 2020
Planar collapse of a submerged granular column
G Pinzon, M Cabrera
Physics of Fluids 31 (8), 2019
Experimental modelling of free-surface dry granular flows under a centrifugal acceleration field
MA Cabrera, W Wu
Granular Matter 19 (4), 78, 2017
Grain size distribution does not affect the residual shear strength of granular materials: An experimental proof
O Polanía, M Cabrera, M Renouf, E Azéma, N Estrada
Physical Review E 107 (5), L052901, 2023
Granular flow simulation in a centrifugal acceleration field
MA Cabrera, A Leonardi, C Peng
Géotechnique 70 (10), 894-905, 2020
The Mocoa Event on March 31 (2017): analysis of a series of mass movements in a tropical environment of the Andean-Amazonian Piedmont
LF Prada-Sarmiento, MA Cabrera, R Camacho, N Estrada, ...
Landslides, 1-10, 2019
Is the grain size distribution a key parameter for explaining the long runout of granular avalanches?
M Cabrera, N Estrada
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (9), e2021JB022589, 2021
Collapse of dry and immersed polydisperse granular columns: A unified runout description
O Polanía, M Cabrera, M Renouf, E Azéma
Physical Review Fluids 7 (8), 084304, 2022
Worlding resilience in the Doña Juana Volcano-Páramo, Northern Andes (Colombia): A transdisciplinary view
N Pardo, ML Espinosa, C González-Arango, MA Cabrera, S Salazar, ...
Natural Hazards 107, 1845-1880, 2021
Coriolis-induced instabilities in centrifuge modeling of granular flow
A Leonardi, MA Cabrera, M Pirulli
Granular Matter 23, 1-8, 2021
Patrones de asentamiento de langosta (Panulirus argus) en la costa oriente de Yucatán
S Salas, D Aguilar, MA Cabrera, P Arceo
Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 44, 536-552, 1996
Space–time digital image analysis for granular flows
MA Cabrera, W Wu
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 17 (2), 135-143, 2017
Stability of saturated granular columns: Role of stress-dilatancy and capillarity
AM Taylor-Noonan, GA Siemens, MA Cabrera, NM Arpin, ...
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
Experimental investigation on the impact dynamics of saturated granular flows on rigid barriers
N Sanvitale, E Bowman, MA Cabrera
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 27 (1), 127-138, 2021
Interaction between a cylinder and a partially saturated soil for compaction analysis
A Escobar, B Caicedo, M Cabrera
Transportation Geotechnics 30, 100600, 2021
Análisis de la estructura poblacional del pulpo rojo (Octopus maya) en la península de Yucatán, México
MA Cabrera, J Ramos-Miranda, S Salas, D Flores-Hernández, ...
Effects of viscosity in granular flows simulated in a centrifugal acceleration field
M Cabrera, P Kailey, ET Bowman, W Wu
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Volume 2, 1075-1080, 2018
Scale model for mass flows down an inclined plane in a geotechnical centrifuge
MA Cabrera, W Wu
Geotechnical Testing Journal 40 (4), 719-730, 2017
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