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Bing Qu
Bing Qu
calpoly.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Testing of full-scale two-story steel plate shear wall with reduced beam section connections and composite floors
B Qu, M Bruneau, CH Lin, KC Tsai
Journal of structural engineering 134 (3), 364-373, 2008
Mitigation of inter-story drift concentration in multi-story steel concentrically braced frames through implementation of rocking cores
B Qu, F Sanchez-Zamora, M Pollino
Engineering Structures 70, 208-217, 2014
Experimental investigation on the flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite beams with U-shaped steel girders and angle connectors
Y Liu, L Guo, B Qu, S Zhang
Engineering Structures 131, 492-502, 2017
Seismic evaluation of low-rise steel building frames with self-centering energy-absorbing rigid cores designed using a force-based approach
S Hu, W Wang, B Qu
Engineering Structures 204, 110038, 2020
Seismic rehabilitation of concentrically braced frames using stiff rocking cores
M Pollino, D Slovenec, B Qu, G Mosqueda
Journal of Structural Engineering 143 (9), 04017080, 2017
Testing of buckling-restrained braces with replaceable steel angle fuses
B Qu, X Liu, H Hou, C Qiu, D Hu
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (3), 04018001, 2018
Design of steel plate shear walls considering boundary frame moment resisting action
B Qu, M Bruneau
Journal of structural engineering 135 (12), 1511-1521, 2009
Duration effect of spectrally matched ground motions on seismic demands of elastic perfectly plastic SDOFS
H Hou, B Qu
Engineering Structures 90, 48-60, 2015
Transforming seismic performance of deficient steel concentrically braced frames through implementation of rocking cores
B Qu, F Sanchez-Zamora, M Pollino
Journal of Structural Engineering 141 (5), 04014139, 2015
Testing of seismic dampers with replaceable U-shaped steel plates
B Qu, C Dai, J Qiu, H Hou, C Qiu
Engineering Structures 179, 625-639, 2019
Seismic performance of Concentrically Braced Frames with non-buckling braces: A comparative study
C Qiu, Y Zhang, H Li, B Qu, H Hou, L Tian
Engineering Structures 154, 93-102, 2018
Testing of steel plate shear walls with composite columns and infill plates connected to beams only
L Guo, Q Rong, B Qu, J Liu
Engineering Structures 136, 165-179, 2017
Seismic economic losses in mid-rise steel buildings with conventional and emerging lateral force resisting systems
S Hu, W Wang, B Qu
Engineering Structures 204, 110021, 2020
Development and validation test of a novel Self-centering Energy-absorbing Dual Rocking Core (SEDRC) system for seismic resilience
S Hu, W Wang, B Qu, MS Alam
Engineering Structures 211, 110424, 2020
Capacity design of intermediate horizontal boundary elements of steel plate shear walls
B Qu, M Bruneau
Journal of Structural Engineering 136 (6), 665-675, 2010
Self-centering energy-absorbing rocking core system with friction spring damper: Experiments, modeling and design
S Hu, W Wang, B Qu, MS Alam
Engineering Structures 225, 111338, 2020
Flexural behavior of precast insulated sandwich wall panels: Full-scale tests and design implications
H Hou, K Ji, W Wang, B Qu, M Fang, C Qiu
Engineering Structures 180, 750-761, 2019
Testing of flexure-dominated interlocking compressed earth block walls
B Qu, BJ Stirling, DC Jansen, DW Bland, PT Laursen
Construction and Building Materials 83, 34-43, 2015
Shake table tests of steel towers supporting extremely long-span electricity transmission lines under spatially correlated ground motions
L Tian, X Gai, B Qu
Engineering structures 132, 791-807, 2017
Self-centering companion spines with friction spring dampers: validation test and direct displacement-based design
S Hu, W Wang, B Qu
Engineering Structures 238, 112191, 2021
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