MTDATA and the prediction of phase equilibria in oxide systems: 30 years of industrial collaboration J Gisby, P Taskinen, J Pihlasalo, Z Li, M Tyrer, J Pearce, K Avarmaa, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 48, 91-98, 2017
98 2017 Equilibrium distribution of precious metals between slag and copper matte at 1250–1350 C K Avarmaa, H O’Brien, H Johto, P Taskinen
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 1, 216-228, 2015
87 2015 Recoveries of rare elements Ga, Ge, In and Sn from waste electric and electronic equipment through secondary copper smelting K Avarmaa, S Yliaho, P Taskinen
Waste Management 71, 400-410, 2018
79 2018 Distribution of precious metals (Ag, Au, Pd, Pt, and Rh) between copper matte and iron silicate slag K Avarmaa, H Johto, P Taskinen
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 47, 244-255, 2016
63 2016 Urban mining of precious metals via oxidizing copper smelting K Avarmaa, L Klemettinen, H O'Brien, P Taskinen
Minerals Engineering 133, 95-102, 2019
54 2019 Behavior of tin and antimony in secondary copper smelting process L Klemettinen, K Avarmaa, H O’brien, P Taskinen, A Jokilaakso
Minerals 9 (1), 39, 2019
42 2019 Recovery of precious metals (Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd) from urban mining through copper smelting M Chen, K Avarmaa, L Klemettinen, H O’Brien, D Sukhomlinov, J Shi, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 51 (4), 1495-1508, 2020
39 2020 Precious metal distributions in direct nickel matte smelting with low-Cu mattes P Piskunen, K Avarmaa, H O’brien, L Klemettinen, H Johto, P Taskinen
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 49, 98-112, 2018
37 2018 Distribution of Ni, Co, precious, and platinum group metals in copper making process D Sukhomlinov, L Klemettinen, K Avarmaa, H O’Brien, P Taskinen, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 50, 1752-1765, 2019
36 2019 Slag chemistry of high-alumina iron silicate slags at 1300 C in WEEE smelting L Klemettinen, K Avarmaa, P Taskinen
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 3 (4), 772-781, 2017
34 2017 Precious metal recoveries in secondary copper smelting with high-alumina slags K Avarmaa, H O’Brien, L Klemettinen, P Taskinen
Journal of material cycles and waste management 22 (3), 642-655, 2020
31 2020 Handling trace elements in WEEE recycling through copper smelting-an experimental and thermodynamic study M Chen, K Avarmaa, P Taskinen, L Klemettinen, R Michallik, H O'Brien, ...
Minerals Engineering 173, 107189, 2021
28 2021 Slag-copper equilibria of selected trace elements in black-copper smelting. Part II. Trace element distributions D Sukhomlinov, K Avarmaa, O Virtanen, P Taskinen, A Jokilaakso
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 41 (3), 171-177, 2020
25 2020 Equilibria of Gold and Silver between Molten Copper and FeOx -SiO2 -Al2 O3 Slag in WEEE Smelting at 1300 °C K Avarmaa, H O’Brien, P Taskinen
Advances in Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts: Proceedings of the 10th …, 2016
24 2016 Experimental Study on the Phase Equilibrium of Copper Matte and Silica-Saturated FeOx -SiO2 -Based Slags in Pyrometallurgical WEEE Processing M Chen, K Avarmaa, L Klemettinen, J Shi, P Taskinen, A Jokilaakso
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 51 (4), 1552-1563, 2020
23 2020 Precious Metal Distributions Between Copper Matte and Slag at High in WEEE Reprocessing M Chen, K Avarmaa, L Klemettinen, H O’Brien, J Shi, P Taskinen, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 52 (2), 871-882, 2021
21 2021 Slag–copper equilibria of selected trace elements in black copper smelting. Part I. Properties of the slag and chromium solubility D Sukhomlinov, K Avarmaa, O Virtanen, P Taskinen, A Jokilaakso
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2020
18 2020 Trace element distributions in black copper smelting L Klemettinen, K Avarmaa, P Taskinen
World of Metallurgy-Erzmetall 70 (5), 257-264, 2017
18 2017 Distribution equilibria and slag chemistry of DON smelting D Strengell, K Avarmaa, H Johto, P Taskinen
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 55 (2), 234-242, 2016
17 2016 Critical metals Ga, Ge and In: Experimental evidence for smelter recovery improvements K Avarmaa, L Klemettinen, H O’Brien, P Taskinen, A Jokilaakso
Minerals 9 (6), 367, 2019
16 2019