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Neander Abreu
Neander Abreu
Professor do Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade Federal da Bahia
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Neuropsicologia-: Teoria e Prática
D Fuentes, LF Malloy-Diniz, CHP de Camargo, RM Cosenza
Artmed Editora, 2014
Avaliação Neuropsicológica-2
LF Malloy-Diniz, D Fuentes, P Mattos, N Abreu
Artmed Editora, 2018
Tradução e adaptação cultural da Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) para aplicação em adultos brasileiros
LF Malloy-Diniz, P Mattos, WB Leite, N Abreu, G Coutinho, JJ Paula, ...
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria 59, 99-105, 2010
Terapia cognitivo-comportamental da depressão
VB Powell, N Abreu, IR Oliveira, D Sudak
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 30, s73-s80, 2008
Executive functioning and reading achievement in school: a study of Brazilian children assessed by their teachers as “poor readers”
PMJ Engel de Abreu, N Abreu, CC Nikaedo, ML Puglisi, CJ Tourinho, ...
Frontiers in psychology 5, 550, 2014
Elevated airborne manganese and low executive function in school-aged children in Brazil
CF Carvalho, JA Menezes-Filho, VP de Matos, JR Bessa, ...
Neurotoxicology 45, 301-308, 2014
Elevated manganese exposure and school-aged children's behavior: a gender-stratified analysis
JA Menezes-Filho, CF de Carvalho-Vivas, GFS Viana, JRD Ferreira, ...
Neurotoxicology 45, 293-300, 2014
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression
VB Powell, N Abreu, IR Oliveira, D Sudak
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 30, s73-s80, 2008
Subjective well-being of adolescents in Luxembourg, Germany, and Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic
PMJE de Abreu, S Neumann, C Wealer, N Abreu, EC Macedo, C Kirsch
Journal of Adolescent Health 69 (2), 211-218, 2021
Noninvasive biomarkers of manganese exposure and neuropsychological effects in environmentally exposed adults in Brazil
GF de Sousa Viana, CF de Carvalho, LS Nunes, JLG Rodrigues, ...
Toxicology letters 231 (2), 169-178, 2014
Normative data of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11 (BIS-11) for Brazilian adults
LF Malloy-Diniz, JJ Paula, AG Vasconcelos, KM Almondes, R Pessoa, ...
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 37, 245-248, 2015
Environmental co-exposure to lead and manganese and intellectual deficit in school-aged children
JA Menezes-Filho, CF Carvalho, JLG Rodrigues, CFS Araújo, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (11), 2418, 2018
Neuropsicologia do envelhecimento: uma abordagem multidimensional
LF Malloy-Diniz, D Fuentes, RM Cosenza
Artmed Editora, 2013
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the cognitive distortions questionnaire (CD-Quest) in a sample of undergraduate students
IR De Oliveira, C Seixas, FL Osório, JAS Crippa, JN De Abreu, ...
Innovations in clinical neuroscience 12 (7-8), 20, 2015
Comparative study of esketamine and racemic ketamine in treatment-resistant depression: protocol for a non-inferiority clinical trial
FS Correia-Melo, GC Leal, MS Carvalho, AP Jesus-Nunes, CBN Ferreira, ...
Medicine 97 (38), e12414, 2018
Qualidade de vida na perspectiva de idosas com incontinência urinária
NS Abreu, ES Baracho, MGA Tirado, RC Dias
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 11, 429-436, 2007
Nível de atividade física, dor e edema e suas relações com a disfunção muscular do joelho de idosos com osteoartrite
KAM Zacaron, JMD Dias, NS Abreu, RC Dias
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 10, 279-284, 2006
Airborne manganese exposure and neurobehavior in school-aged children living near a ferro-manganese alloy plant
JLG Rodrigues, CFS Araújo, NR Dos Santos, MJ Bandeira, ALS Anjos, ...
Environmental Research 167, 66-77, 2018
Neuropsicologia como ciência interdisciplinar: consenso da comunidade brasileira de pesquisadores/clínicos em Neuropsicologia
VG Haase, JF de Salles, MC Miranda, L Malloy-Diniz, N Abreu, N Argollo, ...
Neuropsicologia Latinoamericana 4 (4), 2012
Environmental manganese exposure and associations with memory, executive functions, and hyperactivity in Brazilian children
CF de Carvalho, Y Oulhote, M Martorelli, CO de Carvalho, ...
Neurotoxicology 69, 253-259, 2018
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