Takip et
Hrayer Aprahamian
Hrayer Aprahamian
Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University
tamu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Optimal risk-based group testing
H Aprahamian, DR Bish, EK Bish
Management Science 65 (9), 4365-4384, 2019
A methodology for deriving the sensitivity of pooled testing, based on viral load progression and pooling dilution
NT Nguyen, H Aprahamian, EK Bish, DR Bish
Journal of translational medicine 17, 1-10, 2019
A robust pooled testing approach to expand COVID-19 screening capacity
DR Bish, EK Bish, H El-Hajj, H Aprahamian
Plos one 16 (2), e0246285, 2021
Optimal group testing: Structural properties and robust solutions, with application to public health screening
H Aprahamian, DR Bish, EK Bish
INFORMS Journal on Computing 32 (4), 895-911, 2020
Adaptive risk-based pooling in public health screening
H Aprahamian, EK Bish, DR Bish
IISE Transactions 50 (9), 753-766, 2018
Residual risk and waste in donated blood with pooled nucleic acid testing
H Aprahamian, DR Bish, EK Bish
Statistics in Medicine 35 (28), 5283-5301, 2016
Sequential prevalence estimation with pooling and continuous test outcomes
NT Nguyen, EK Bish, H Aprahamian
Statistics in medicine 37 (15), 2391-2426, 2018
Screening multi‐dimensional heterogeneous populations for infectious diseases under scarce testing resources, with application to COVID‐19
H El Hajj, DR Bish, EK Bish, H Aprahamian
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 69 (1), 3-20, 2022
Pricing Asian options via compound gamma and orthogonal polynomials
H Aprahamian, B Maddah
Applied Mathematics and Computation 264, 21-43, 2015
Static risk-based group testing schemes under imperfectly observable risk
H Aprahamian, EK Bish, DR Bish
Stochastic Systems 10 (4), 361-390, 2020
Optimal screening of populations with heterogeneous risk profiles under the availability of multiple tests
H Aprahamian, H El-Amine
INFORMS Journal on Computing 34 (1), 150-164, 2022
Optimal clustering of frequency data with application to disease risk categorization
H Aprahamian, H El-Amine
IISE Transactions 54 (8), 728-740, 2022
A Quantitative Simulation-based Modeling Approach for College Counseling Centers
S Chatterjee, Y Hebaish, L Ntaimo, J Deegear, M Rucker, H Aprahamian
Simulation, 2023
A heuristic scheme for multivariate set partitioning problems with application to classifying heterogeneous populations for multiple binary attributes
H El-Amine, H Aprahamian
IISE transactions 54 (6), 537-549, 2022
Optimal unlabeled set partitioning with application to risk-based quarantine policies
J Lin, H Aprahamian, H El-Amine
IISE Transactions 56 (2), 143-155, 2024
Determining large-strain metal plasticity parameters using in situ measurements of plastic flow past a wedge
H Chawla, S Yadav, H Aprahamian, D Sagapuram
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479 (2275), 20230061, 2023
Quantifying the benefits of customized vaccination strategies: A network‐based optimization approach
S Li, H Aprahamian
Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2023
An optimization-based framework to minimize the spread of diseases in social networks with heterogeneous nodes
S Li, H Aprahamian
IISE Transactions 56 (2), 128-142, 2024
Optimal targeted mass screening in non‐uniform populations with multiple tests and schemes
J Lin, H Aprahamian, G Golovko
Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2023
A data-driven simulation approach to quantify the effect of group counseling on system performance of college counseling centers
Y Hebaish, S Chatterjee, J Deegear, M Rucker, H Aprahamian, L Ntaimo
Journal of American college health, 1-15, 2023
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