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Allyssa McCabe
Allyssa McCabe
Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Lowell
uml.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Developmental psycholinguistics: Three ways of looking at a child’s narrative
C Peterson, A McCabe
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Developing narrative structure
A McCabe, C Peterson
Psychology Press, 1991
The comprehensive language approach to early literacy: The interrelationships among vocabulary, phonological sensitivity, and print knowledge among preschool-aged children.
DK Dickinson, A McCabe, L Anastasopoulos, ES Peisner-Feinberg, ...
Journal of Educational psychology 95 (3), 465, 2003
Encouraging narratives in preschoolers: An intervention study
C Peterson, B Jesso, A McCabe
Journal of child language 26 (1), 49-67, 1999
Bringing it all together: The multiple origins, skills, and environmental supports of early literacy
DK Dickinson, A McCabe
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 16 (4), 186-202, 2001
Assessment of preschool narrative skills
A McCabe, PR Rollins
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 3 (1), 45-56, 1994
A social interactionist account of developing decontextualized narrative skill.
C Peterson, A McCabe
Developmental psychology 30 (6), 937, 1994
Cross-language transfer of phonological awareness in low-income Spanish and English bilingual preschool children
DK Dickinson, A McCabe, N Clark–Chiarelli, A Wolf
Applied Psycholinguistics 25 (3), 323-347, 2004
Patterns of narrative discourse: A multicultural life span approach
A McCabe, LS Bliss
(No Title), 2003
Linking children's connective use and narrative macrostructure.
C Peterson, A McCabe
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 1991
Pragmatic deficits and social impairment in children with ADHD
E Staikova, H Gomes, V Tartter, A McCabe, JM Halperin
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54 (12), 1275-1283, 2013
A window of opportunity we must open to all: The case for preschool with high-quality support for language and literacy
DK Dickinson, A McCabe, MJ Essex
Handbook of early literacy research 2, 11-28, 2006
Parental styles of narrative elicitation: Effect on children's narrative structure and content
C Peterson, A McCabe
First Language 12 (36), 299-321, 1992
Narrative assessment profile: Discourse analysis for school-age children
LS Bliss, A McCabe, AE Miranda
Journal of communication disorders 31 (4), 347-363, 1998
Rice balls and bear hunts: Japanese and North American family narrative patterns
M Minami, A McCabe
Journal of Child language 22 (2), 423-445, 1995
Comparison of personal versus fictional narratives of children with language impairment
A McCabe, L Bliss, G Barra, MB Bennett
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 17 (2), 194-206, 2008
Developmental and cross-cultural aspects of children's narration
A McCabe
Narrative development, 137-174, 2012
Haiku as a discourse regulation device: A stanza analysis of Japanese children's personal narratives1
M Minami, A McCabe
Language in society 20 (4), 577-599, 1991
Narrative skills following traumatic brain injury in children and adults
KR Biddle, A McCabe, LS Bliss
Journal of communication disorders 29 (6), 447-469, 1996
Cultural background and storytelling: A review and implications for schooling
A McCabe
The Elementary School Journal 97 (5), 453-473, 1997
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