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Sakineh Varmazyar
Sakineh Varmazyar
Professor of Occupational Health Engineerin, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The relationship between organizational safety culture and unsafe behaviors, and accidents among public transport bus drivers using structural equation modeling
H Mokarami, SS Alizadeh, TR Pordanjani, S Varmazyar
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 46-55, 2019
Design and development of an ergonomic chair for students in educational settings
S Ansari, A Nikpay, S Varmazyar
Health scope 7 (4), e60531, 2018
Assessment of semi-quantitative health risks of exposure to harmful chemical agents in the context of carcinogenesis in the latex glove manufacturing industry
S Yari, A Fallah Asadi, S Varmazyar
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 17 (S3), 205-211, 2016
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) technique: a literature review
PS Damanab, SS Alizadeh, Y Rasoulzadeh, P Moshashaie, S Varmazyar
Scientific Journal of Review 4 (1), 1-6, 2015
Comparing the effect of the posture of using smartphones on head and neck angles among college students
F Sarraf, S Varmazyar
Ergonomics 65 (12), 1631-1638, 2022
Evaluation orking Posture and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Prevalence in Pharmacy Packaging Workers
Sakineh varmazyar, Ali safari varyaniIsa, Mohammad Zeidi, Hasan Jahan Hashemi
European Journal of Scientific Research 29 (1), 82-88, 2009
The effect of work-related and socio-demographic factors on Work Ability Index (WAI) among Iranian workers
H Mokarami, HO Kalteh, H Marioryad
Work 65 (1), 137-143, 2020
Ergonomic evaluation of work conditions in Qazvin Dentists by REBA method and its association with musculoskeletal disorders in 2008
MK Sakineh Varmazyar , Morteza Amini
Journal of Islamic Dental Association of Iran 24 (3), 229-237, 2012
The relationship between driving aberrant behavior and self-reported accidents involvement amongst professional bus drivers in the public transportation company
S Varmazyar, SB Mortazavi, E Hajizadeh, S Arghami
Health Scope 2 (2), 110-115, 2013
Human erroranalysis among petrochemical plant control room operators with human errorassessment and reduction technique
M Ghalenoei, H Asilian, S Mortazavi, S Varmazyar
Iran Occupational Health 6 (2), 38-50, 2009
Ergonomic evaluation of work conditions in Qazvin dentists and its association with musculoskeletal disorders using REBA method
S Varmazyar, M Amini, M Kiafar
Removal of mercuric chloride by a mercury resistant Pseudomonas putida strain
S Varmazyar
Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (3), 269-273, 2005
Review the proportion of university seats with body dimensions of students at the school of public health of Qazvin university of medical sciences in 1388.
F Zarei, B Rajaei, A Nikpey, S Varmazyar, A Safari-Variani
Iran Occupational Health 8 (3), 2011
Low cost ergonomic interventions to reduce risk factors for work related musculoskeletal disorders during dairy farming
H Mokarami, S Varmazyar, R Kazemi, SM Taghavi, L Stallones, ...
Work 64 (2), 195-201, 2019
Factor analysis of driver behavior questionnaire (DBQ) in public transportation Bus Company: Investigation of the relationship between DBQ factors and crashes
S Varmazyar, SB Mortazavi, SH Arghami, E Hajizadeh
Scientific Journal of Review 3 (4), 155-165, 2014
Relationship between organisational safety culture dimensions and crashes
S Varmazyar, SB Mortazavi, S Arghami, E Hajizadeh
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 23 (1), 72-78, 2016
A cognitive human error analysis with CREAM in control room of petrochemical industry
S Shokria, S Varmazyar, P Heydari
Biotechnology and Health Sciences, 13-21, 2016
Health, safety and ergonomically risk assessment of mechanicians using Job Safety Analysis (JSA) technique in an Iran City
Y Rasoulzadeh, SS Alizadeh, S Valizadeh, H Fakharian, S Varmazyar
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (28), 1-11, 2015
Preparation and Psychometry of a Safety Assessment Questionnaire for Urban Gas Stations.
یاری, پویاکیان, جعفری, علیپور, ورمزیار
Journal of Safety Promotion & Injury Prevention 5 (3), 2017
Investigation of correlation of musculoskeletal disorders with work ability index and allowable load lifting limit
SS Ataei, P Heydari, S Varmazyar
Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 4 (4), 14-23, 2017
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