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Dennis C. Spies
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The impact of populist radical right parties on socio-economic policies
L Röth, A Afonso, DC Spies
European Political Science Review 10 (3), 325-350, 2018
The electoral supporter base of the alternative for Germany
A Goerres, DC Spies, S Kumlin
Swiss Political Science Review 24 (3), 246-269, 2018
Immigration and welfare support in Germany
AW Schmidt-Catran, DC Spies
American Sociological Review 81 (2), 242-261, 2016
A two-dimensional approach to the political opportunity structure of extreme right parties in Western Europe
D Spies, ST Franzmann
West European Politics 34 (5), 1044-1069, 2011
Does the mode of candidate selection affect the representativeness of parties?
DC Spies, A Kaiser
Party Politics 20 (4), 576-590, 2014
Explaining working-class support for extreme right parties: A party competition approach
D Spies
Acta Politica 48, 296-325, 2013
The Gender Gap in Youth Political Participation: Evidence from Germany
H Pfanzelt, DC Spies
Political Research Quarterly, 2018
Do parties “playing the race card” undermine natives’ support for redistribution? Evidence from Europe
AW Schmidt, DC Spies
Comparative Political Studies 47 (4), 519-549, 2014
Immigrant voters against their will: a focus group analysis of identities, political issues and party allegiances among German resettlers during the 2017 bundestag election …
A Goerres, SJ Mayer, DC Spies
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (7), 1205-1222, 2020
What are we missing? Explaining immigrant-origin voter turnout with standard and immigrant-specific theories
DC Spies, SJ Mayer, A Goerres
Electoral Studies 65, 102103, 2020
Public Support for European Union Economic Policies
L Kanthak, DC Spies
European Union Politics, DOI: 10.1177/1465116517740638, 2017
Why do immigrants support an anti-immigrant party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany
DC Spies, SJ Mayer, J Elis, A Goerres
West european politics 46 (2), 275-299, 2022
Immigration and welfare state retrenchment: Why the US experience is not reflected in Western Europe
DC Spies
Oxford University Press, 2018
Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund bei der Bundestagswahl 2017: Erste Auswertungen der Immigrant German Election Study zu Deutschtürken und Russlanddeutschen
A Goerres, DC Spies, SJ Mayer
Duisburg: University of Duisburg-Essen, 2018
Migration, migrant integration and support for social spending: The case of Switzerland
DC Spies, A Schmidt-Catran
Journal of European Social Policy, 2015
How did immigrant voters vote at the 2017 bundestag election? First results from the Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES)
A Goerres, D Spies, S Mayer
First Results from the Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES)(March 2, 2018 …, 2018
Was treibt Kommunen zu Spekulationsgeschäften? Eine Analyse der Swap-Geschäfte von Kommunen in Nordrhein-Westfalen
C Trampusch, DC Spies
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56 (1), 104-129, 2015
Agricultural interests and the origins of capitalism: A parallel comparative history of Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, and the USA
C Trampusch, DC Spies
New Political Economy 19 (6), 918-942, 2014
A new electorate? Explaining the party preferences of immigrant-origin voters at the 2017 Bundestag election
A Goerres, SJ Mayer, DC Spies
British Journal of Political Science 52 (3), 1032-1054, 2022
The electoral supporter base of the Alternative for Germany: An analysis of a panel study of German voters 2015-16
A Goerres, DC Spies, S Kumlin
Paper for the annual conference of the Specialist Group on Political Economy …, 2017
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