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Jonna Tomkiewicz
Jonna Tomkiewicz
Senior Research Scientist
aqua.dtu.dk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Skipped spawning in fishes: more common than you might think
RM Rideout, J Tomkiewicz
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 3 (1), 176-189, 2011
Emerging issues and methodological advances in fisheries reproductive biology
SK Lowerre‐Barbieri, NJ Brown‐Peterson, H Murua, J Tomkiewicz, ...
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 3 (1), 32-51, 2011
Baltic cod recruitment–the impact of climate variability on key processes
FW Köster, C Möllmann, HH Hinrichsen, K Wieland, J Tomkiewicz, ...
ICES Journal of marine science 62 (7), 1408-1425, 2005
Developing alternative indices of reproductive potential for use in fisheries management: case studies for stocks spanning an information gradient
CT Marshall, L O'Brien, J Tomkiewicz, G Marteinsdóttir, MJ Morgan, ...
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 33, 161-190, 2003
Recruitment of Baltic cod and sprat stocks: identification of critical life stages and incorporation of environmental variability into stock-recruitment relationships
FW Köster, HH Hinrichsen, D Schnack, MAS John, BR Mackenzie, ...
Scientia Marina 67 (S1), 129-154, 2003
Developing Baltic cod recruitment models. II. Incorporation of environmental variability and species interaction
FW Köster, HH Hinrichsen, MA St. John, D Schnack, BR MacKenzie, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (8), 1534-1556, 2001
Micro‐and macroscopic characteristics to stage gonadal maturation of female Baltic cod
J Tomkiewicz, L Tybjerg, Å Jespersen
Journal of fish biology 62 (2), 253-275, 2003
Fish stock development in the Central Baltic Sea (1976-2000) in relation to variability in the environment
FW Köster, C Möllmann, S Neuenfeldt, M Vinther, MA St John, ...
ICES marine science symposia 219, 294-306, 2003
Egg production of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) in relation to variable sex ratio, maturity, and fecundity
G Kraus, J Tomkiewicz, FW Köster
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (12), 1908-1920, 2002
Available information for estimating reproductive potential of Northwest Atlantic groundfish stocks
J Tomkiewicz, MJ Morgan, J Burnett, F Saborido-Rey
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 2003
Temperature effects on gene expression and morphological development of European eel, Anguilla anguilla larvae
SN Politis, D Mazurais, A Servili, JL Zambonino-Infante, JJ Miest, ...
PLoS One 12 (8), e0182726, 2017
Standardization of fertilization protocols for the European eel, Anguilla anguilla
IAE Butts, SR Sørensen, SN Politis, TE Pitcher, J Tomkiewicz
Aquaculture 426, 9-13, 2014
Oceanographic influences on the distribution of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua, during spawning in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea
J Tomkiewicz, KM Lehmann, MAS John
Fisheries Oceanography 7 (1), 48-62, 1998
Eastern Baltic cod recruitment revisited—dynamics and impacting factors
FW Köster, B Huwer, HH Hinrichsen, V Neumann, A Makarchouk, M Eero, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (1), 3-19, 2017
Light impacts embryonic and early larval development of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla
SN Politis, IAE Butts, J Tomkiewicz
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 461, 407-415, 2014
Genetic population structure of European sprat Sprattus sprattus: differentiation across a steep environmental gradient in a small pelagic fish
MT Limborg, JS Pedersen, J Hemmer-Hansen, J Tomkiewicz, ...
Marine ecology progress series 379, 213-224, 2009
The evaluation of reference points and stock productivity in the context of alternative indices of stock reproductive potential
MJ Morgan, H Murua, G Kraus, Y Lambert, G Marteinsdottir, CT Marshall, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (3), 404-414, 2009
Ontogeny and growth of early life stages of captive-bred European eel
SR Sørensen, J Tomkiewicz, P Munk, IAE Butts, A Nielsen, P Lauesen, ...
Aquaculture 456, 50-61, 2016
Manual to determine gonadal maturity of
RH Bucholtz, J Tomkiewicz, J Dalskov
Multiple kisspeptin receptors in early osteichthyans provide new insights into the evolution of this receptor family
J Pasquier, AG Lafont, SR Jeng, M Morini, R Dirks, G van den Thillart, ...
PLoS One 7 (11), e48931, 2012
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