Takip et
Sheng Cao
Sheng Cao
College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Jinan University(暨南大学)
jnu.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Porosity formation mechanisms and fatigue response in Al-Si-Mg alloys made by selective laser melting
KV Yang, P Rometsch, T Jarvis, J Rao, S Cao, C Davies, X Wu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 712, 166-174, 2018
Role of martensite decomposition in tensile properties of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V
S Cao, R Chu, X Zhou, K Yang, Q Jia, CVS Lim, A Huang, X Wu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 744, 357–363, 2018
Review of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) fabricated Ti-6Al-4V: process, post-process treatment, microstructure, and property
S Cao, Y Zou, CVS Lim, X Wu
Light: Advanced Manufacturing 2 (3), 20, 2021
Towards a high strength aluminium alloy development methodology for selective laser melting
Q Jia, P Rometsch, S Cao, K Zhang, X Wu
Materials & Design 174, 107775, 2019
Defect, microstructure, and mechanical property of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by high-power selective laser melting
S Cao, Z Chen, CVS Lim, K Yang, Q Jia, T Jarvis, D Tomus, X Wu
JOM 69 (12), 2684-2692, 2017
Effects of boron addition on microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by direct laser deposition
K Zhang, X Tian, M Bermingham, J Rao, Q Jia, Y Zhu, X Wu, S Cao, ...
Materials & Design 184, 108191, 2019
Static coarsening behaviour of lamellar microstructure in selective laser melted Ti–6Al–4V
S Cao, Q Hu, A Huang, Z Chen, M Sun, J Zhang, C Fu, Q Jia, CVS Lim, ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35 (8), 1578-1586, 2019
Microstructural evolution and growth behavior of intermetallic compounds at the liquid Al/solid Fe interface by synchrotron X-ray radiography
Z Ding, Q Hu, W Lu, X Ge, S Cao, S Sun, T Yang, M Xia, J Li
Materials Characterization 136, 157-164, 2018
The mechanism of aqueous stress-corrosion cracking of α + β titanium alloys
S Cao, S Zhu, CVS Lim, X Zhou, X Chen, BRW Hinton, RR Boyer, ...
Corrosion Science 125, 29-39, 2017
Heat-treatment induced microstructural evolution and enhanced mechanical property of selective laser melted near β Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-1Zr alloy
H Deng, W Qiu, S Cao, L Chen, Z Hu, Y Wei, Z Xia, L Zhou, X Cui, J Tang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 158351, 2021
Surface roughness and fatigue properties of selective laser melted Ti–6Al–4V alloy
Z Chen, S Cao, X Wu, CHJ Davies
Additive manufacturing for the aerospace industry, 283-299, 2019
On the role of cooling rate and temperature in forming twinned α’ martensite in Ti–6Al–4V
S Cao, B Zhang, Y Yang, Q Jia, L Li, S Xin, X Wu, Q Hu, CVS Lim
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 813, 152247, 2020
Characterisation of AlScZr and AlErZr alloys processed by rapid laser melting
Q Jia, P Rometsch, S Cao, K Zhang, A Huang, X Wu
Scripta Materialia 151, 42-46, 2018
Effects of microtexture and Ti3Al (α2) precipitates on stress-corrosion cracking properties of a Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V alloy
S Cao, CVS Lim, B Hinton, X Wu
Corrosion Science 116, 22-33, 2017
A strong and ductile Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta-C) alloy achieved by introducing trace carbon addition and cold work
S Cao, X Zhou, CVS Lim, RR Boyer, JC Williams, X Wu
Scripta Materialia 178, 124-128, 2020
Effect of strain rate and temperature on the deformation behavior in a Ti-23.1 Nb-2.0 Zr-1.0 O titanium alloy
Y Yang, D Xu, S Cao, S Wu, Z Zhu, H Wang, L Li, S Xin, L Qu, A Huang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 73, 52-60, 2021
Effect of Si on the Growth Behavior of the Fe2Al5 Phase at Al-xSi(liquid)/Fe(solid) Interface During Holding by In-Situ Synchrotron Radiography
N Zhang, Q Hu, F Yang, W Lu, Z Ding, S Cao, L Yu, X Ge, J Li
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51, 2711-2718, 2020
Fine equiaxed β grains and superior tensile property in Ti–6Al–4V alloy deposited by coaxial electron beam wire feeding additive manufacturing
J Zhang, Y Yang, S Cao, Z Cao, D Kovalchuk, S Wu, E Liang, X Zhang, ...
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 33, 1311–1320, 2020
Microstructure and properties of aluminium alloy 6082 formed by the Hot Form Quench process
P Hidalgo-Manrique, S Cao, HR Shercliff, RD Hunt, JD Robson
Materials Science and Engineering: A 804, 140751, 2021
In-situ study on hydrogen bubble evolution in the liquid Al/solid Ni interconnection by synchrotron radiation X-ray radiography
Z Ding, Q Hu, W Lu, X Ge, S Cao, S Sun, T Yang, M Xia, J Li
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35 (7), 1388-1392, 2019
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