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paloma alcorlo
paloma alcorlo
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Alıntı yapanlar
Incorporating the social–ecological approach in protected areas in the Anthropocene
I Palomo, C Montes, B Martin-Lopez, JA González, M Garcia-Llorente, ...
BioScience 64 (3), 181-191, 2014
Social perceptions of the impacts and benefits of invasive alien species: implications for management
M García-Llorente, B Martín-López, JA González, P Alcorlo, C Montes
Biological conservation 141 (12), 2969-2983, 2008
Impact of an introduced Crustacean on the trophic webs of Mediterranean wetlands
W Geiger, P Alcorlo, A Baltanas, C Montes
Biological Invasions 7, 49-73, 2005
The use of the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii, Girard) as indicator of the bioavailability of heavy metals in environmental monitoring in the River Guadiamar (SW, Spain)
P Alcorlo, M Otero, M Crehuet, A Baltanás, C Montes
Science of the Total Environment 366 (1), 380-390, 2006
Feeding preferences and food selection of the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, in habitats differing in food item diversity
P Alcorlo, W Geiger, M Otero
Crustaceana, 435-453, 2004
Creating a safe operating space for wetlands in a changing climate
AJ Green, P Alcorlo, ETHM Peeters, EP Morris, JL Espinar, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (2), 99-107, 2017
Analyzing the social factors that influence willingness to pay for invasive alien species management under two different strategies: eradication and prevention
M García-Llorente, B Martín-López, PALD Nunes, JA González, P Alcorlo, ...
Environmental management 48, 418-435, 2011
Reproductive biology and life cycle of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Crustacea: Decapoda) in diverse aquatic habitats of South-Western Spain: Implications for …
P Alcorlo, W Geiger, M Otero
Fundamental and Applied Limnology 173 (3), 197, 2008
Effects of land use on taxonomic and functional diversity: a cross-taxon analysis in a Mediterranean landscape
V Hevia, CP Carmona, FM Azcárate, M Torralba, P Alcorlo, R Ariño, ...
Oecologia 181, 959-970, 2016
Limitations of protected areas zoning in Mediterranean cultural landscapes under the ecosystem services approach
I Palomo, B Martín-López, P Alcorlo, C Montes
Ecosystems 17, 1202-1215, 2014
The trophic ecology of the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in Mediterranean aquatic ecosystems: a stable isotope study
P Alcorlo, A Baltanás
Limnetica 32 (1), 0121-138, 2013
Morphological disparity in populations with and without sexual reproduction: a case study in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda)
A Baltanás, P Alcorlo, DL Danielopol
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 75 (1), 9-19, 2002
Anthropogenic perturbations to the trophic structure in a permanent hypersaline shallow lake: La Salada de Chiprana (north-eastern Spain)
P Diaz, MC Gerrero, P Alcorlo, A Baltanás, M Florin, C Montes
International Journal of Salt Lake Research 7, 187-210, 1998
De la gestión de los recursos pesqueros a la gestión de los ecosistemas: La aproximación de los servicios de los ecosistemas aplicada a la gestión pesquera
FS Martín, CM del Olmo, P Alcorlo, SG Tíscar, B González, ...
Ambienta: La revista del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 74-87, 2015
Ecosystem services associated with a mosaic of alternative states in a Mediterranean wetland: case study of the Doñana marsh (southwestern Spain)
E Gómez-Baggethun, P Alcorlo, C Montes
Hydrological Sciences Journal 56 (8), 1374-1387, 2011
National blue carbon assessment in Spain using InVEST: Current state and future perspectives
A González-García, M Arias, S García-Tiscar, P Alcorlo, F Santos-Martín
Ecosystem Services 53, 101397, 2022
Food-web structure in two shallow salt lakes in Los Monegros (NE Spain): energetic vs dynamic constraints
P Alcorlo, A Baltanás, C Montes
Saline Lakes: Publications from the 7th International Conference on Salt …, 2001
Origin, accumulation and fate of dissolved organic matter in an extreme hypersaline shallow lake
A Butturini, P Herzsprung, OJ Lechtenfeld, P Alcorlo, ...
Water Research 221, 118727, 2022
Flower strips and remnant semi‐natural vegetation have different impacts on pollination and productivity of sunflower crops
L Mota, V Hevia, C Rad, J Alves, A Silva, JA González, J Ortega‐Marcos, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (9), 2386-2397, 2022
Assessing the trophic ecology of crayfish: a case study of the invasive Procambarus clarkii
M Crehuet, P Alcorlo, MA Bravo-Utrera, A Baltanás, C Montes
Biological invaders in inland waters: Profiles, distribution, and threats …, 2007
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