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Kalevi Korpela
Kalevi Korpela
Tampere University, Finland
tuni.fi üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Promoting ecosystem and human health in urban areas using Green Infrastructure: A literature review
K Tzoulas, K Korpela, S Venn, V Yli-Pelkonen, A Kaźmierczak, J Niemela, ...
Landscape and urban planning 81 (3), 167-178, 2007
The influence of urban green environments on stress relief measures: A field experiment
L Tyrväinen, A Ojala, K Korpela, T Lanki, Y Tsunetsugu, T Kagawa
Journal of environmental psychology 38, 1-9, 2014
A measure of restorative quality in environments
T Hartig, K Korpela, GW Evans, T Gärling
Scandinavian housing and planning research 14 (4), 175-194, 1997
Restorative qualities of favorite places
K Korpela, T Hartig
Journal of environmental psychology 16 (3), 221-233, 1996
Place-identity as a product of environmental self-regulation
KM Korpela
Journal of Environmental psychology 9 (3), 241-256, 1989
Restorative experience and self-regulation in favorite places
KM Korpela, T Hartig, FG Kaiser, U Fuhrer
Environment and behavior 33 (4), 572-589, 2001
Towards an integrated understanding of green space in the European built environment
P James, K Tzoulas, MD Adams, A Barber, J Box, J Breuste, T Elmqvist, ...
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 8 (2), 65-75, 2009
Determinants of restorative experiences in everyday favorite places
KM Korpela, M Ylén, L Tyrväinen, H Silvennoinen
Health & place 14 (4), 636-652, 2008
Restorative experience, self-regulation, and children's place preferences
K Korpela, M Kyttä, T Hartig
Journal of environmental psychology 22 (4), 387-398, 2002
Temporal pessimism and spatial optimism in environmental assessments: An 18-nation study
R Gifford, L Scannell, C Kormos, L Smolova, A Biel, S Boncu, V Corral, ...
Journal of environmental psychology 29 (1), 1-12, 2009
Favorite green, waterside and urban environments, restorative experiences and perceived health in Finland
KM Korpela, M Ylén, L Tyrväinen, H Silvennoinen
Health promotion international 25 (2), 200-209, 2010
Analyzing the mediators between nature-based outdoor recreation and emotional well-being
K Korpela, K Borodulin, M Neuvonen, O Paronen, L Tyrväinen
Journal of environmental psychology 37, 1-7, 2014
Adolescents' favourite places and environmental self-regulation
KM Korpela
Journal of Environmental Psychology 12 (3), 249-258, 1992
Emotional, restorative and vitalizing effects of forest and urban environments at four sites in Japan
N Takayama, K Korpela, J Lee, T Morikawa, Y Tsunetsugu, BJ Park, Q Li, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 11 (7 …, 2014
The relationship between perceived health and physical activity indoors, outdoors in built environments, and outdoors in nature
TP Pasanen, L Tyrväinen, KM Korpela
Applied psychology: Health and Well‐being 6 (3), 324-346, 2014
Perceived health is associated with visiting natural favourite places in the vicinity
KM Korpela, M Ylen
Health & Place 13 (1), 138-151, 2007
Ympäristöpsykologian perusteet
S Aura, L Horelli, K Korpela
Wsoy, 1997
Relationships between exposure to urban green spaces, physical activity and self-rated health
M Pietilä, M Neuvonen, K Borodulin, K Korpela, T Sievänen, L Tyrväinen
Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism 10, 44-54, 2015
Enhancing daily well-being at work through lunchtime park walks and relaxation exercises: Recovery experiences as mediators.
M Sianoja, CJ Syrek, J de Bloom, K Korpela, U Kinnunen
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 23 (3), 428, 2018
Children’s environment
K Korpela
Handbook of environmental psychology, 363-373, 2002
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