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Wei, Feng
Wei, Feng
tongji.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Unprecedented disruption of lives and work: Health, distress and life satisfaction of working adults in China one month into the COVID-19 outbreak
SX Zhang, Y Wang, A Rauch, F Wei
Psychiatry research 288, 112958, 2020
It's not fair… or is it? The role of justice and leadership in explaining work stressor–job performance relationships
Y Zhang, JA LePine, BR Buckman, F Wei
Academy of Management Journal 57 (3), 675-697, 2014
Tit for tat? Abusive supervision and counterproductive work behaviors: The moderating effects of locus of control and perceived mobility
F Wei, S Si
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 30 (1), 281-296, 2013
Locus of control, psychological empowerment and intrinsic motivation relation to performance
Y Li, F Wei, S Ren, Y Di
Journal of Managerial Psychology 30 (4), 422-438, 2015
Transformational and transactional leaderships, empowerment climate, and innovation performance: A multilevel analysis in the Chinese context
S Si, F Wei
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (2), 299-320, 2012
The interactive effect of authentic leadership and leader competency on followers’ job performance: The mediating role of work engagement
F Wei, Y Li, Y Zhang, S Liu
Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3), 763-773, 2018
魏峰, 张文贤
外国经济与管理 26 (2), 12-16, 2004
Green HRM and psychological safety: How transformational leadership drives follower’s job satisfaction
MF Moin, MK Omar, F Wei, MI Rasheed, Z Hameed
Current issues in Tourism 24 (16), 2269-2277, 2021
魏峰, 李燚, 张文贤
管理科学学报 8 (5), 82-89, 2005
The trickle-down effect of responsible leadership on unethical pro-organizational behavior: The moderating role of leader-follower value congruence
K Cheng, F Wei, Y Lin
Journal of Business Research 102, 34-43, 2019
Positive affectivity neutralizes transformational leadership's influence on creative performance and organizational citizenship behaviors
PL Gilmore, X Hu, F Wei, LE Tetrick, SJ Zaccaro
Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (8), 1061-1075, 2013
Effects of transactional leadership, psychological empowerment and empowerment climate on creative performance of subordinates: A cross-level study
F Wei, X Yuan, Y Di
Frontiers of Business Research in China 4 (1), 29-46, 2010
The effect of organizational psychological contract violation on managers' exit, voice, loyalty and neglect in the Chinese context
SX Si, F Wei, Y Li
Human Resource Management ‘with Chinese Characteristics’, 162-174, 2013
Geographical distance to the epicenter of Covid-19 predicts the burnout of the working population: Ripple effect or typhoon eye effect?
SX Zhang, H Huang, F Wei
Psychiatry Research 288, 112998, 2020
How and When Does Leader Behavioral Integrity Influence Employee Voice? The Roles of Team Independence Climate and Corporate Ethical Values
H Peng, F Wei
Journal of Business Ethics, 166 (3):505-521, 2020
Trickle-down effects of perceived leader integrity on employee creativity: A moderated mediation model
H Peng, F Wei
Journal of Business ethics 150, 837-851, 2018
Psychological Contract Breach, Negative Reciprocity, and Abusive Supervision: The Mediated Effect of Organizational Identification. 心理契约破裂、 负向互惠与管理欺凌: 组织认同的 …
F Wei, S Si
Management and Organization Review 9 (3), 541-561, 2013
Health, distress and life satisfaction of people in China one month into the COVID-19 outbreak
SX Zhang, Y Wang, A Rauch, F Wei
MedRxiv, 2020.03. 13.20034496, 2020
The moderating effect of leadership on perceived organizational justice and affective commitment: a study in China
J Lee, F Wei
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 28 (5), 679-702, 2017
The mediating effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship between participative goal setting and team outcomes–a study in China
J Lee, F Wei
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (02), 279-295, 2011
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