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Katalin Felvinczi
Katalin Felvinczi
ppk.elte.hu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The development of the problematic online gaming questionnaire (POGQ)
Z Demetrovics, R Urbán, K Nagygyörgy, J Farkas, MD Griffiths, O Pápay, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e36417, 2012
Bifactor structural model of symptom checklists: SCL-90-R and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in a non-clinical community sample
R Urbán, B Kun, J Farkas, B Paksi, G Kökönyei, Z Unoka, K Felvinczi, ...
Psychiatry research 216 (1), 146-154, 2014
Psychometric properties of the problematic online gaming questionnaire short-form and prevalence of problematic online gaming in a national sample of adolescents
O Pápay, R Urbán, MD Griffiths, K Nagygyörgy, J Farkas, G Kökönyei, ...
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 16 (5), 340-348, 2013
Health and social problems associated with recent novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use amongst marginalised, nightlife and online users in six European countries
MC Van Hout, A Benschop, M Bujalski, K Dąbrowska, Z Demetrovics, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 16, 480-495, 2018
Pedagógus–Pálya–Motiváció–Egy kutatás eredményei
B Paksi, Z Veroszta, A Schmidt, A Magi, A Vörös, V Endrődi-Kovácsi, ...
Oktatási Hivatal, 2015
How and where to find NPS users: a comparison of methods in a cross-national survey among three groups of current users of new psychoactive substances in Europe
D Korf, A Benschop, B Werse, G Kamphausen, K Felvinczi, K Dąbrowska, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 19, 873-890, 2021
Why do people use new psychoactive substances? Development of a new measurement tool in six European countries
A Benschop, R Urbán, M Kapitány-Fövény, MC Van Hout, K Dąbrowska, ...
Journal of Psychopharmacology 34 (6), 600-611, 2020
A four-factor model of work addiction: the development of the work addiction risk test revised
R Urbán, B Kun, T Mózes, P Soltész, B Paksi, J Farkas, G Kökönyei, ...
European addiction research 25 (3), 145-160, 2019
Social rejection towards mentally ill people in Hungary between 2001 and 2015: Has there been any change?
T Buchman-Wildbaum, B Paksi, E Sebestyén, B Kun, K Felvinczi, ...
Psychiatry Research 267, 73-79, 2018
Confirmation of the Chinese version of the problematic internet use questionnaire short form (PIUQ-SF)
B Koronczai, G Kökönyei, R Urbán, O Király, K Nagygyörgy, K Felvinczi, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 15, 191-197, 2017
Sharing, group-buying, social supply, offline and online dealers: how users in a sample from six European countries procure new psychoactive substances (NPS)
B Werse, A Benschop, G Kamphausen, MC van Hout, S Henriques, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 17, 1237-1251, 2019
A magyarországi felnőtt népesség droghasználata–az Országos Lakossági Adatfelvétel az Addiktológiai Problémákról 2015 (OLAAP 2015) reprezentatív lakossági felmérés alapján
B Paksi, Z Demetrovics, A Magi, K Felvinczi
Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle 73 (4), 541-565, 2018
An empirically based typology of alcohol users in a community sample using latent class analysis
Z Horváth, B Paksi, K Felvinczi, MD Griffiths, Z Demetrovics, R Urbán
European Addiction Research 25 (6), 293-302, 2019
Prevalence, sociodemographic, and psychological characteristics of work addiction in the Hungarian adult population: Results of a nationally representative survey
B Kun, A Magi, K Felvinczi, Z Demetrovics, B Paksi
Psychiatria Hungarica: A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag Tudomanyos Folyoirata …, 2020
A mixed-methods analysis of online NPS user discussion in Hungary
Z Kaló, L Móró, Z Demetrovics, K Felvinczi
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 24 (4), 340-347, 2017
Prevenciós/egészségfejlesztési tevékenység a közoktatásban
B Paksi, K Felvinczi, A Schmidt
Kutatási jelentés. Oktatási Minisztérium, Budapest, 2004
A magyarországi iskolai drogprevenciós programok jellemzői
B Paksi, D Zs, A Nyírády, E Nádas, B Buda, K Felvinczi
Addictologia Hungarica 5 (1-2), 5-36, 2006
Discriminative characteristics of marginalised novel psychoactive users: a transnational study
K Felvinczi, A Benschop, R Urbán, MC Van Hout, K Dąbrowska, E Hearne, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 18, 1128-1147, 2020
A felsőfokú képzés befejezésére irányuló szándék előrejelzői
A Czakó, L Németh, K Felvinczi
Educatio 28 (4), 718-736, 2019
The methodology and sample description of the national survey on addiction problems in Hungary 2015 (NSAPH 2015)
B Paksi, Z Demetrovics, A Magi, K Felvinczi
Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica: a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet …, 2017
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