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Inok Ahn
Inok Ahn
Seoul Wooi Elementary School under Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Connecting teacher and student motivation: Student-perceived teacher need-supportive practices and student need satisfaction
I Ahn, MM Chiu, H Patrick
Contemporary Educational Psychology 64, 101950, 2021
Measuring teacher practices that support student motivation: Examining the factor structure of the teacher as social context questionnaire using multilevel factor analyses
I Ahn, H Patrick, MM Chiu, C Levesque-Bristol
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 37 (6), 743-756, 2019
The stability of kindergarten teachers’ effectiveness: A generalizability study comparing the framework for teaching and the classroom assessment scoring system
P Mantzicopoulos, BF French, H Patrick, JS Watson, I Ahn
Educational Assessment 23 (1), 24-46, 2018
Relations between teachers' motivation and students' motivation: A self-determination theory perspective
I Ahn
Purdue University, 2014
Motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic
H Patrick, I Ahn
The sage encyclopedia of classroom management 2, 539-541, 2014
Differences Between Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Need-Supportive Practices
I Ahn
Purdue University, 2021
Factor Structure and Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of the Achievement Goal Questionnaire with a Korean Adolescent Sample
S Yi, N Pereira, I Ahn, S Lee
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 40 (4), 514-532, 2022
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