Takip et
Weixun Wang
Weixun Wang
cise.ufl.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Lossless data compression and real-time decompression
P Mishra, SW Seong, K Basu, W Wang, X Qin, C Murthy
US Patent App. 12/682,808, 2010
Mitochondrial DNA damage level determines neural stem cell differentiation fate
W Wang, Y Esbensen, D Kunke, R Suganthan, L Rachek, M Bjørås, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (26), 9746-9751, 2011
Dynamic cache reconfiguration and partitioning for energy optimization in real-time multi-core systems
W Wang, P Mishra, S Ranka
Proceedings of the 48th Design Automation Conference, 948-953, 2011
Design strategies and applications of nacre-based biomaterials
EM Gerhard, W Wang, C Li, J Guo, IT Ozbolat, KM Rahn, AD Armstrong, ...
Acta biomaterialia 54, 21-34, 2017
Mitochondrial DNA integrity is essential for mitochondrial maturation during differentiation of neural stem cells
W Wang, P Osenbroch, R Skinnes, Y Esbensen, M Bjørås, L Eide
Stem cells 28 (12), 2195-2204, 2010
Dynamic cache reconfiguration for soft real-time systems
W Wang, P Mishra, A Gordon-Ross
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 11 (2), 1-31, 2012
System-wide leakage-aware energy minimization using dynamic voltage scaling and cache reconfiguration in multitasking systems
W Wang, P Mishra
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 20 (5), 902-910, 2011
Leakage-aware energy minimization using dynamic voltage scaling and cache reconfiguration in real-time systems
W Wang, P Mishra
2010 23rd International Conference on VLSI Design, 357-362, 2010
Artificial uterus on a microfluidic chip
LI Wei-Xuan, GT LIANG, YAN Wei, Q ZHANG, W Wei, Z Xiao-Mian, ...
Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 41 (4), 467-472, 2013
Lack of the DNA glycosylases MYH and OGG1 in the cancer prone double mutant mouse does not increase mitochondrial DNA mutagenesis
R Halsne, Y Esbensen, W Wang, K Scheffler, R Suganthan, M Bjørås, ...
DNA repair 11 (3), 278-285, 2012
Purification, optimization and physicochemical properties of collagen from soft-shelled turtle calipash
Y Yang, C Li, W Song, W Wang, G Qian
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 89, 344-352, 2016
Dynamic reconfiguration of two-level caches in soft real-time embedded systems
W Wang, P Mishra
2009 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 145-150, 2009
PreDVS: Preemptive dynamic voltage scaling for real-time systems using approximation scheme
W Wang, P Mishra
Proceedings of the 47th Design Automation Conference, 705-710, 2010
Dynamic Reconfiguration in Real-Time Systems
W Wang, P Mishra, S Ranka
Embedded Systems, 2012
SACR: Scheduling-aware cache reconfiguration for real-time embedded systems
W Wang, P Mishra, A Gordon-Ross
2009 22nd International Conference on VLSI Design, 547-552, 2009
Energy-aware dynamic slack allocation for real-time multitasking systems
W Wang, S Ranka, P Mishra
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2 (3), 128-137, 2012
商晓, 朱兰, 郎景和, 李琳, 王文艳, 孙智晶
中国医学科学院学报 33 (4), 452-455, 2011
蒋增杰, 方建光, 门强, 王巍
南方水产科学 2 (1), 23-29, 2006
子宫内膜异位症生育指数与 r-AFS 分期在 IVF 中的预测价值
方庭枫, 李瑞岐, 黄丽丽, 陈静华, 欧阳能勇, 张宁峰, 王文军
中山大学学报: 医学科学版 34 (2), 250-255, 2013
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction technology of Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides and evaluation of their antioxidant activity
C Li, C Wang, S Wang, G Qian, Q ZHu, Y Liu, W Wang
Food Science and Technology Research 19 (2), 157-162, 2013
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