Takip et
Eric (Er) Fang
Eric (Er) Fang
Professor of Marketing and Iacocca Chair of Business Administration, Lehigh University
illinois.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Effect of service transition strategies on firm value
E Fang, RW Palmatier, JBEM Steenkamp
Journal of marketing 72 (5), 1-14, 2008
Customer participation and the trade-off between new product innovativeness and speed to market
E Fang
Journal of marketing 72 (4), 90-104, 2008
Influence of customer participation on creating and sharing of new product value
E Fang, RW Palmatier, KR Evans
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 36, 322-336, 2008
The effect of export marketing capabilities on export performance: an investigation of Chinese exporters
S Zou, E Fang, S Zhao
Journal of International marketing 11 (4), 32-55, 2003
Antecedents and consequences of marketing dynamic capabilities in international joint ventures
E Fang, S Zou
Journal of International Business Studies 40 (5), 742-761, 2009
Is neutral really neutral? The effects of neutral user-generated content on product sales
T Tang, E Fang, F Wang
Journal of Marketing 78 (4), 41-58, 2014
Trust at different organizational levels
E Fang, RW Palmatier, LK Scheer, N Li
Journal of marketing 72 (2), 80-98, 2008
The effects of customer acquisition and retention orientations on a firm’s radical and incremental innovation performance
TJ Arnold, E (Er) Fang, RW Palmatier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39, 234-251, 2011
Effects of customer and innovation asset configuration strategies on firm performance
E Fang, RW Palmatier, R Grewal
Journal of marketing research 48 (3), 587-602, 2011
The effect of strategic alliance knowledge complementarity on new product innovativeness in China
E Fang
Organization Science 22 (1), 158-172, 2011
Goal-setting paradoxes? Trade-offs between working hard and working smart: The United States versus China
E Fang, RW Palmatier, KR Evans
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 32 (2), 188-202, 2004
Online relationship formation
IV Kozlenkova, RW Palmatier, E Fang, B Xiao, M Huang
Journal of Marketing 81 (3), 21-40, 2017
The impact of economic contractions on the effectiveness of R&D and advertising: Evidence from US companies spanning three decades
JBEM Steenkamp, E Fang
Marketing Science 30 (4), 628-645, 2011
The effects of absorptive and joint learning on the instability of international joint ventures in emerging economies
E Fang, S Zou
Journal of International Business Studies 41 (5), 906-924, 2010
The timing of codevelopment alliances in new product development processes: Returns for upstream and downstream partners
E Fang, J Lee, Z Yang
Journal of Marketing 79 (1), 64-82, 2015
Knowledge complementarity, knowledge absorption effectiveness, and new product performance: The exploration of international joint ventures in China
Z Yao, Z Yang, GJ Fisher, C Ma, EE Fang
International Business Review 22 (1), 216-227, 2013
The moderating effect of goal-setting characteristics on the sales control systems–job performance relationship
E Fang, KR Evans, S Zou
Journal of Business Research 58 (9), 1214-1222, 2005
The effect of online shopping platform strategies on search, display, and membership revenues
JY Lee, E Fang, JJ Kim, X Li, RW Palmatier
Journal of Retailing 94 (3), 247-264, 2018
Control systems’ effect on attributional processes and sales outcomes: a cybernetic information-processing perspective
E Fang, KR Evans, TD Landry
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33 (4), 553-574, 2005
New vistas for marketing strategy: digital, data-rich, and developing market (D3) environments
S Sridhar, E Fang
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 47, 977-985, 2019
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