Takip et
Mohsen A Jafari
Mohsen A Jafari
rci.rutgers.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Real-time driver drowsiness detection for android application using deep neural networks techniques
R Jabbar, K Al-Khalifa, M Kharbeche, W Alhajyaseen, M Jafari, S Jiang
Procedia computer science 130, 400-407, 2018
A novel system for fused deposition of advanced multiple ceramics
MA Jafari, W Han, F Mohammadi, A Safari, SC Danforth, N Langrana
Rapid Prototyping Journal 6 (3), 161-175, 2000
Processing of advanced electroceramic components by fused deposition technique
M Allahverdi, SC Danforth, M Jafari, A Safari
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (10-11), 1485-1490, 2001
Protecting smart grid automation systems against cyberattacks
D Wei, Y Lu, M Jafari, PM Skare, K Rohde
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 (4), 782-795, 2011
An integrated security system of protecting smart grid against cyber attacks
D Wei, Y Lu, M Jafari, P Skare, K Rohde
2010 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 1-7, 2010
Vision-based online process control in manufacturing applications
Y Cheng, MA Jafari
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 5 (1), 140-153, 2008
The optimum target value for single filling operations with quality sampling plans
TO Boucher, MA Jafari
Journal of Quality Technology 23 (1), 44-47, 1991
A data-driven approach for driving safety risk prediction using driver behavior and roadway information data
N Arbabzadeh, M Jafari
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 19 (2), 446-460, 2017
Modeling and forecasting of cooling and electricity load demand
A Vaghefi, MA Jafari, E Bisse, Y Lu, J Brouwer
Applied Energy 136, 186-196, 2014
Microgrids for fun and profit: The economics of installation investments and operations
F Farzan, S Lahiri, M Kleinberg, K Gharieh, F Farzan, M Jafari
IEEE power and energy magazine 11 (4), 52-58, 2013
Determination of optimal buffer storage capacities and optimal allocation in multistage automatic transfer lines
MA Jafari, JG Shanthikumar
IIE transactions 21 (2), 130-135, 1989
Fault detection/monitoring using time Petri nets
VS Srinivasan, MA Jafari
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 23 (4), 1155-1162, 2002
Planning sustainable hydrogen supply chain infrastructure with uncertain demand
M Dayhim, MA Jafari, M Mazurek
International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (13), 6789-6801, 2014
Toward optimal day-ahead scheduling and operation control of microgrids under uncertainty
F Farzan, MA Jafari, R Masiello, Y Lu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (2), 499-507, 2014
Tool path-based deposition planning in fused deposition processes
W Han, MA Jafari, SC Danforth, A Safari
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 124 (2), 462-472, 2002
Process speeding up via deposition planning in fused deposition‐based layered manufacturing processes
W Han, MA Jafari, K Seyed
Rapid Prototyping Journal 9 (4), 212-218, 2003
Signature analysis and defect detection in layered manufacturing of ceramic sensors and actuators
T Fang, MA Jafari, SC Danforth, A Safari
Machine Vision and Applications 15, 63-75, 2003
A rule-based system for generating a ladder logic control program from a high-level systems model
MA Jafari, TO Boucher
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 5, 103-120, 1994
Energy storage valuation under different storage forms and functions in transmission and distribution applications
M Kleinberg, NS Mirhosseini, F Farzan, J Hansell, A Abrams, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 102 (7), 1073-1083, 2014
Challenges in infrastructure asset management
AK Parlikad, M Jafari
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (28), 185-190, 2016
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