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Aleksandra Jezierska-Thöle
Aleksandra Jezierska-Thöle
Doktor habilitowany nauk społecznych (geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna)
ukw.edu.pl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Development of energy crops cultivation for biomass production in Poland
A Jezierska-Thöle, R Rudnicki, M Kluba
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62, 534-545, 2016
Natural potential versus rationality of allocation of Common Agriculture Policy funds dedicated for supporting organic farming development–Assessment of spatial suitability …
Ł Wiśniewski, M Biczkowski, R Rudnicki
Ecological Indicators 130, 108039, 2021
Sustainable Tourism in Cities—Nature Reserves as a ‘New’City Space for Nature-Based Tourism
A Gonia, A Jezierska-Thöle
Sustainability 14 (3), 1581, 2022
The impact of RDP measures on the diversification of agriculture and rural development—Seeking additional livelihoods: The case of Poland
M Biczkowski, A Jezierska-Thöle, R Rudnicki
Agriculture 11 (3), 253, 2021
Przekształcenia funkcjonalno-przestrzenne obszarów wiejskich w strefach podmiejskich obszarów metropolitalnych Polski
J Falkowski
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich 18, 49-69, 2009
Environmental, social, and economic aspects of the green economy in polish rural areas—a spatial analysis
A Jezierska-Thöle, M Gwiaździńska-Goraj, M Dudzińska
Energies 15 (9), 3332, 2022
Current status and prospects for organic agriculture in Poland
AAA JezierskA-Thöle, M Gwiaździńska-Goraj, Ł Wiśniewski
Quaestiones Geographicae 36 (2), 23-36, 2017
Assessment of the Living Conditions in Polish and German Transborder Regions in the Context of Strengthening Territorial Cohesion in the European Union: Competitiveness or …
M Gwiaździńska-Goraj, A Jezierska-Thöle, M Dudzińska
Social Indicators Research 163 (1), 29-59, 2022
The agri-environment-climate measure as an element of the bioeconomy in poland—A spatial study
A Jezierska-Thöle, R Rudnicki, Ł Wiśniewski, M Gwiaździńska-Goraj, ...
Agriculture 11 (2), 110, 2021
Differences in the Quantitative Demographic Potential—A Comparative Study of Polish–German and Polish–Lithuanian Transborder Regions
M Gwiaździńska-Goraj, K Pawlewicz, A Jezierska-Thöle
Sustainability 12 (22), 9414, 2020
Modele rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w ujęciu teoretycznym
A Jezierska-Thöle
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich 34, 23-38, 2013
Gospodarka przestrzenna w strefie kontinuum miejsko-wiejskiego w Polsce
A Jezierska-Thöle, L Kozłowski
Wyd. Naukowe UMK, Toruń, 2008
Evaluating the progress of renewable energy sources in Poland: a multidimensional analysis
S Jaworski, M Chrzanowska, M Zielińska-Sitkiewicz, R Pietrzykowski, ...
Energies 16 (18), 6431, 2023
Agrarian-economic structure of agricultural holdings in Poland and East Germany: Selected elements of comparative analysis
A Jezierska-Thöle, J Janzen, R Rudnicki
Quaestiones Geographicae 33 (2), 87-101, 2014
Diversification of sources of income in agricultural holdings in the context of multi-functional development of rural areas in Poland
R Rudnicki, A Dubownik, M Biczkowski
Belgeo. Revue belge de géographie, 2016
Former political borders and their impact on the evolution of the present-day spatial structure of agriculture in Poland
R Rudnicki, A Jezierska-Thöle, Ł Wiśniewski, J Janzen, L Kozłowski
Studies in Agricultural Economics 120 (1), 8-16, 2018
Problemy i metody oceny kontinuum miejsko-wiejskiego w Polsce
W Gierańczyk, M Kluba
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich, 2008
Odnowa wsi jako czynnik aktywizacji społeczności lokalnych= Village renewal as a factor activating local communities
M Biczkowski, R Rudnicki
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich 48, 77-103, 2017
Importance and determinants of innovation in agriculture in Poland
A Jezierska-Thöle, M Biczkowski
Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists 15 (2), 124-131, 2013
Przeksztaącenia spoąeczno-gospodarcze obszarâow wiejskich PomorzaNadwiâslaânskiego w latach 1988-1998
A Jezierska-Thčole
Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikoąaja Kopernika, 2006
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