Takip et
Joaquin J. Torres (ORCID: 0000-0001-6175-9676)
Joaquin J. Torres (ORCID: 0000-0001-6175-9676)
Professor of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Granada.
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Explosive higher-order Kuramoto dynamics on simplicial complexes
AP Millán, JJ Torres, G Bianconi
Physical Review Letters 124 (21), 218301, 2020
Entropic origin of disassortativity in complex networks
S Johnson, JJ Torres, J Marro, MA Munoz
Physical review letters 104 (10), 108702, 2010
Self-organization without conservation: are neuronal avalanches generically critical?
JA Bonachela, S De Franciscis, JJ Torres, MA Munoz
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (02), P02015, 2010
Associative memory with dynamic synapses
L Pantic, JJ Torres, HJ Kappen, SCAM Gielen
Neural Computation 14 (12), 2903-2923, 2002
Simplicial complexes: higher-order spectral dimension and dynamics
JJ Torres, G Bianconi
Journal of Physics: Complexity 1 (1), 015002, 2020
Higher-order simplicial synchronization of coupled topological signals
R Ghorbanchian, JG Restrepo, JJ Torres, G Bianconi
Communications Physics 4 (1), 120, 2021
Influence of topology on the performance of a neural network
JJ Torres, MA Munoz, J Marro, PL Garrido
Neurocomputing 58, 229-234, 2004
Synchronization in network geometries with finite spectral dimension
AP Millán, JJ Torres, G Bianconi
Physical Review E 99 (2), 022307, 2019
Dynamics of two electrically coupled chaotic neurons: experimental observations and model analysis
P Varona, JJ Torres, HDI Abarbanel, MI Rabinovich, RC Elson
Biological Cybernetics 84 (2), 91-101, 2001
Inverse stochastic resonance in networks of spiking neurons
M Uzuntarla, E Barreto, JJ Torres
PLoS computational biology 13 (7), e1005646, 2017
Complex network geometry and frustrated synchronization
AP Millán, JJ Torres, G Bianconi
Scientific reports 8 (1), 9910, 2018
Regularization mechanisms of spiking–bursting neurons
P Varona, JJ Torres, R Huerta, HDI Abarbanel, MI Rabinovich
Neural Networks 14 (6-7), 865-875, 2001
Synchronization-induced spike termination in networks of bistable neurons
M Uzuntarla, JJ Torres, A Calim, E Barreto
Neural Networks 110, 131-140, 2019
Irregular dynamics in up and down cortical states
JF Mejias, HJ Kappen, JJ Torres
PLoS One 5 (11), e13651, 2010
Enhancing neural-network performance via assortativity
S De Franciscis, S Johnson, JJ Torres
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (3 …, 2011
Maximum memory capacity on neural networks with short-term synaptic depression and facilitation
JF Mejias, JJ Torres
Neural computation 21 (3), 851-871, 2009
Competition between synaptic depression and facilitation in attractor neural networks
JJ Torres, JM Cortes, J Marro, HJ Kappen
Neural Computation 19 (10), 2739-2755, 2007
Emergence of resonances in neural systems: the interplay between adaptive threshold and short-term synaptic plasticity
JF Mejias, JJ Torres
PloS one 6 (3), e17255, 2011
Double inverse stochastic resonance with dynamic synapses
M Uzuntarla, JJ Torres, P So, M Ozer, E Barreto
Physical Review E 95 (1), 012404, 2017
Effects of fast presynaptic noise in attractor neural networks
JM Cortes, JJ Torres, J Marro, PL Garrido, HJ Kappen
Neural computation 18 (3), 614-633, 2006
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