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Mark D. Coleman
Mark D. Coleman
uidaho.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Ecology and silviculture of poplar plantations
JA Stanturf, C Van Oosten, DA Netzer, MD Coleman, CJ Portwood
DI; Isebrands, JG; Eckenwalder, JE; Richardson, J., eds. Poplar culture in …, 2002
Forest production responses to irrigation and fertilization are not explained by shifts in allocation
DR Coyle, MD Coleman
Forest Ecology and Management 208 (1-3), 137-152, 2005
Forest Atmosphere Carbon Transfer and Storage (FACTS-II) the Aspen Free-air CO2 and O2 Enrichment (FACE) Project: An Overview
RE Dickson
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station, 2000
Biomass-bioenergy crops in the United States: A changing paradigm
JMF Johnson, MD Coleman, R Gesch, A Jaradat, R Mitchell, D Reicosky, ...
The American Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Vol. 1 (1): 1-28, 2007
Changes in growth, leaf abscission, and biomass associated with seasonal tropospheric ozone exposures of Populustremuloides clones and seedlings
DF Karnosky, ZE Gagnon, RE Dickson, MD Coleman, JG Isebrands, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26 (1), 23-37, 1996
Pure culture response of ectomycorrhizal fungi to imposed water stress
MD Coleman, CS Bledsoe, W Lopushinsky
Canadian Journal of Botany 67 (1), 29-39, 1989
Effects of tropospheric O3 on trembling aspen and interaction with CO2: results from an O3-gradient and a FACE experiment
DF Karnosky, B Mankovska, K Percy, RE Dickson, GK Podila, J Sober, ...
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 116, 311-322, 1999
Contrasting fine-root production, survival and soil CO2 efflux in pine and poplar plantations
MD Coleman, RE Dickson, JG Isebrands
Plant and Soil 225, 129-139, 2000
Comparing soil carbon of short rotation poplar plantations with agricultural crops and woodlots in North Central United States
MD Coleman, JG Isebrands, DN Tolsted, VR Tolbert
Environmental Management 33, S299-S308, 2004
Photosynthetic responses of aspen clones to simultaneous exposures of ozone and CO2
O Kull, A Sober, MD Coleman, RE Dickson, JG Isebrands, Z Gagnon, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26 (4), 639-648, 1996
Carbon allocation and partitioning in aspen clones varying in sensitivity to tropospheric ozone
MD Coleman, RE Dickson, JG Isebrands, DF Karnosky
Tree Physiology 15 (9), 593-604, 1995
Above-and below-ground biomass accumulation, production, and distribution of sweetgum and loblolly pine grown with irrigation and fertilization
DR Coyle, MD Coleman, DP Aubrey
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (6), 1335-1348, 2008
Photosynthetic productivity of aspen clones varying in sensitivity to tropospheric ozone
MD Coleman, JG Isebrands, RE Dickson, DF Karnosky
Tree Physiology 15 (9), 585-592, 1995
Carbon allocation and nitrogen acquisition in a developing Populus deltoides plantation
MD Coleman, AL Friend, CC Kern
Tree Physiology 24 (12), 1347-1357, 2004
Root growth and physiology of potted and field-grown trembling aspen exposed to tropospheric ozone
MD Coleman, RE Dickson, JG Isebrands, DF Karnosky
Tree Physiology 16 (1-2), 145-152, 1996
Woody energy crops in the southeastern United States: two centuries of practitioner experience
KL Kline, MD Coleman
biomass and bioenergy 34 (12), 1655-1666, 2010
Carbon allocation to root and shoot systems of woody plants
AL Friend, MD Coleman, JG Isebrands
Biology of adventitious root formation, 245-273, 1994
Growth of five hybrid poplar genotypes exposed to interacting elevated CO2 and O3
RE Dickson, MD Coleman, DE Riemenschneider, JG Isebrands, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28 (11), 1706-1716, 1998
Fine root dynamics in a developing Populus deltoides plantation
CC Kern, AL Friend, JMF Johnson, MD Coleman
Tree physiology 24 (6), 651-660, 2004
Spatial and temporal patterns of root distribution in developing stands of four woody crop species grown with drip irrigation and fertilization
M Coleman
Plant and soil 299, 195-213, 2007
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