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Aleksei Melnik
Aleksei Melnik
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
New data on the age of eclogites from the Belomorian mobile belt at Gridino settlement area
SG Skublov, BY Astaf’ev, YB Marin, AV Berezin, AE Mel’nik, ...
Doklady Earth Sciences 439, 1163-1170, 2011
Paleoproterozoic eclogites in the Salma area, northwestern Belomorian mobile belt: Composition and isotopic geochronologic characteristics of minerals and metamorphic age
SG Skublov, AV Berezin, AE Mel’nik
Petrology 19, 470-495, 2011
First Lu-Hf garnet ages of eclogites from the Belomorian mobile belt (Baltic shield, Russia)
D Herwartz, SG Skublov, AV Berezin, AE Mel'Nik
Doklady Earth Sciences 443 (1), 377, 2012
The oxygen isotope composition of mantle eclogites as a proxy of their origin and evolution: a review
NM Korolev, AE Melnik, XH Li, SG Skublov
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 288-300, 2018
Garnet and zircon geochronology of the Paleoproterozoic Kuru-Vaara eclogites, northern Belomorian Province, Fennoscandian Shield
AE Melnik, SG Skublov, D Rubatto, D Müller, XH Li, QL Li, AV Berezin, ...
Precambrian research 353, 106014, 2021
U-Pb age and geochemistry of zircons from Salma eclogites (Kuru-Vaara deposit, Belomorian Belt)
SG Skublov, YA Balashov, YB Marin, AV Berezin, AE Mel'Nik, IP Paderin
Doklady Earth Sciences 432 (2), 791, 2010
New data on the age (U-Pb, Sm-Nd) of garnetites from Salma eclogites of the Belomorian mobile belt
AE Mel'Nik, SG Skublov, YB Marin, AV Berezin, ES Bogomolov
Doklady Earth Sciences 448 (1), 78, 2013
New occurrence of eclogite in the Belomorian Mobile Belt: geology, metamorphic conditions, and isotope age
AV Berezin, SG Skublov, YB Marin, AE Mel'nik, ES Bogomolov
Doklady Earth Sciences 448 (1), 43, 2013
Protolith age of eclogites from the southern part of Pezhostrov Island, Belomorian Belt: protolith of metabasites as indicator of eclogitization time
SG Skublov, AV Berezin, AE Melnik, BY Astafiev, OA Voinova, ...
Petrology 24, 594-607, 2016
New data on the age (U-Pb, Sm-Nd) of metamorphism and a protolith of eclogite-like rocks from the Krasnaya Guba area, Belomorian belt
SG Skublov, AE Mel'nik, YB Marin, AV Berezin, ES Bogomolov, ...
Doklady Earth Sciences 453 (1), 1158, 2013
In situ LA-ICP-MS investigation of the geochemistry and U-Pb age of rutile from the rocks of the Belomorian mobile belt
SG Skublov, T Zack, AV Berezin, AE Mel'nik, NG Rizvanova
Geochemistry International 51 (2), 164, 2013
Эклогиты северо-западной части Беломорского подвижного пояса: геохимическая характеристика и время метаморфизма
АЕ Мельник
Автореф.… канд. геол.-мин. наук. СПб.: ИГГД РАН, 2015
Three types of mantle eclogite from two layers of oceanic crust: a key case of metasomatically-aided transformation of low-to-high-magnesian eclogite
N Korolev, LP Nikitina, A Goncharov, EO Dubinina, A Melnik, D Müller, ...
Journal of Petrology 62 (11), egab070, 2021
Zircon in mantle eclogite xenoliths: a review
AE Melnik, NM Korolev, SG Skublov, D Müller, QL Li, XH Li
Geological Magazine 158 (8), 1371-1382, 2021
Trends and rhythms in carbonatites and kimberlites reflect thermo-tectonic evolution of Earth
SL Liu, L Ma, X Zou, L Fang, B Qin, AE Melnik, U Kirscher, KF Yang, ...
Geology 51 (1), 101-105, 2023
First data on the geochemistry and U-Pb age of zircons from the kamaphorites of the Tomtor alkaline-ultrabasic massif, Arctic Yakutia
SG Skublov, AV Tolstov, LN Baranov, AE Melnik, EV Levashova
Geochemistry 80 (3), 125505, 2020
Multistage Svecofennian metamorphism: Evidence from the composition and U-Pb age of titanite from eclogites of the Belomorian Mobile Belt
SG Skublov, AV Berezin, NG Rizvanova, AE Mel’nik, TA Myskova
Petrology 22, 381-388, 2014
Matrix effects and improved calibration procedures for SIMS titanite UPb dating
XX Ling, QL Li, MH Huyskens, Y Liu, QZ Yin, GQ Tang, J Li, HF Zhang, ...
Chemical Geology 593, 120755, 2022
Уникальная находка преобразования циркона в бадделеит (рудопроявления Ичетъю, Средний Тиман)
СГ Скублов, АО Красоткина, АБ Макеев, ОЛ Галанкина, АЕ Мельник
Известия высших учебных заведений. Геология и разведка, 27-35, 2018
Geochronology of alkaline magmatic rocks and metasomatites of the Ryabinovy stock (South Yakutia) based on zircon isotopic and geochemical (U-Pb, REE) investigations
NV Shatova, SG Skublov, AE Melnik, VV Shatov, AV Molchanov, ...
Regional Geology and Metallogeny 69, 33-48, 2017
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