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Aaron Pycroft
Aaron Pycroft
Senior Lecturer in Addiction Studies, University of Portsmouth
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Applying complexity theory: Whole systems approaches to criminal justice and social work
A Pycroft, C Bartollas
Policy Press, 2014
Complexity theory: An overview
A Pycroft
Applying complexity theory, 15-38, 2014
Multi-agency working in criminal justice: Control and care in contemporary correctional practice
A Pycroft, D Gough
Policy Press, 2010
Understanding and working with substance misusers
A Pycroft
Sage, 2010
Multi-agency working in criminal justice: theory, policy and practice
A Pycroft, D Gough
Policy Press, 2019
Participation, engagement and change: a study of the experiences of service users of the unified adolescent team
A Pycroft, A Wallis, J Bigg, G Webster
The British Journal of Social Work 45 (2), 422-439, 2015
Getting out: offenders in forestry and conservation work settings
C Carter, A Pycroft
What Else Works?, 211-235, 2013
Integrating complexity theory and social work practice; a commentary on Fish and Hardy (2015)
A Pycroft, M Wolf-Branigin
Nordic Social Work Research 6 (1), 69-72, 2016
Forgiveness as potentiality in criminal justice
A Pycroft, C Bartollas
Critical Criminology 26 (2), 233-249, 2018
Key concepts in substance misuse
A Pycroft
SAGE Publications Ltd, 2015
“They say ‘yes, I’m doing it…. and I’m fine’”: the lived experience of supporting teenagers who misuse drugs
E Maynard, A Pycroft, J Spiers
Journal of Social Work Practice 35 (2), 143-157, 2021
Consciousness in rather than of: advancing modest claims for the development of phenomenologically informed approaches to complexity theory in criminology
A Pycroft
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology 10, 2018
muIti-agency provision and potential under NOMS
A Pycroft
Community Justice, 130, 2013
Risk and rehabilitation: management and treatment of substance misuse and mental health problems in the criminal justice system
A Pycroft, S Clift
Policy Press, 2012
Redemptive criminology
A Pycroft, C Bartollas
Policy Press, 2022
Challenging the cultural determinants of dual diagnosis in the criminal justice system
A Pycroft, A Green
Mental Health, Crime and Criminal Justice: Responses and Reforms, 147-166, 2016
From a trained incapacity to professional resistance in criminal justice
A Pycroft
Multi-Agency Working in Criminal Justice, 25-40, 2019
Probation practice and creativity in England and Wales: a complex systems analysis
A Pycroft
Applying Complexity Theory, 199-220, 2014
Too little, too late?
A Pycroft
Taylor & Francis Group 64 (1), 36-37, 2006
An exploration of trauma-informed practices in restorative justice: a phenomenological study
C Christen-Schneider, A Pycroft
Int'l J. Restorative Just. 4, 229, 2021
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