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Carl Rosen
Carl Rosen
Professor of Soil Science, Univeristy of Minnesota
umn.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Antibiotic uptake by plants from soil fertilized with animal manure
K Kumar, SC Gupta, SK Baidoo, Y Chander, CJ Rosen
Journal of environmental quality 34 (6), 2082-2085, 2005
Potato yield response and nitrate leaching as influenced by nitrogen management
M Errebhi, CJ Rosen, SC Gupta, DE Birong
Agronomy journal 90 (1), 10-15, 1998
Nitrate leaching and nitrogen recovery following application of polyolefin‐coated urea to potato
F Zvomuya, CJ Rosen, MP Russelle, SC Gupta
Journal of Environmental quality 32 (2), 480-489, 2003
Research perspective on nitrogen BMP development for potato
BJ Zebarth, CJ Rosen
American Journal of Potato Research 84, 3-18, 2007
Optimizing phosphorus fertilizer management in potato production
CJ Rosen, KA Kelling, JC Stark, GA Porter
American Journal of Potato Research 91, 145-160, 2014
Optimizing nitrogen and irrigation inputs for corn based on nitrate leaching and yield on a coarse‐textured soil
BT Sexton, JF Moncrief, CJ Rosen, SC Gupta, HH Cheng
Journal of environmental quality 25 (5), 982-992, 1996
Comparison of petiole nitrate concentrations, SPAD chlorophyll readings, and QuickBird satellite imagery in detecting nitrogen status of potato canopies
J Wu, D Wang, CJ Rosen, ME Bauer
Field crops research 101 (1), 96-103, 2007
Competitive control of invasive vegetation: a native wetland sedge suppresses Phalaris arundinacea in carbon‐enriched soil
LG Perry, SM Galatowitsch, CJ Rosen
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (1), 151-162, 2004
Exploring the benefits of organic nutrient sources for crop production and soil quality
CJ Rosen, DL Allan
HortTechnology 17 (4), 422-430, 2007
Antibiotic uptake by vegetable crops from manure-applied soils
DH Kang, S Gupta, C Rosen, V Fritz, A Singh, Y Chander, H Murray, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 61 (42), 9992-10001, 2013
Potato yield and tuber set as affected by phosphorus fertilization
CJ Rosen, PM Bierman
American Journal of Potato Research 85, 110-120, 2008
Irrigation and nitrogen management effects on potato yield, tuber quality, and nitrogen uptake
JT Waddell, SC Gupta, JF Moncrief, CJ Rosen, DD Steele
Agronomy Journal 91 (6), 991-997, 1999
Irrigation‐and nitrogen‐management impacts on nitrate leaching under potato
JT Waddell, SC Gupta, JF Moncrief, CJ Rosen, DD Steele
Journal of Environmental Quality 29 (1), 251-261, 2000
Polymer‐coated urea maintains potato yields and reduces nitrous oxide emissions in a Minnesota loamy sand
CR Hyatt, RT Venterea, CJ Rosen, M McNearney, ML Wilson, MS Dolan
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74 (2), 419-428, 2010
Fertilizer and irrigation management effects on nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching
B Maharjan, RT Venterea, C Rosen
Agronomy Journal 106 (2), 703-714, 2014
Horticultural uses of municipal solid waste composts
CJ Rosen, TR Halbach, BT Swanson
HortTechnology 3 (2), 167-173, 1993
Crop water stress index derived from multi-year ground and aerial thermal images as an indicator of potato water status
R Rud, Y Cohen, V Alchanatis, A Levi, R Brikman, C Shenderey, B Heuer, ...
Precision Agriculture 15, 273-289, 2014
Nitrogen availability and leaching from soil amended with municipal solid waste compost
M Mamo, CJ Rosen, TR Halbach
Journal of environmental quality 28 (4), 1074-1082, 1999
Cabbage yield and glucosinolate concentrations as affected by nitrogen and sulfur fertility
CJ Rosen, VA Fritz, GM Gardner, SS Hecht, SG Carmella, PM Kenney
HortScience 40 (5), 1493-1498, 2005
Potato response to a polymer‐coated urea on an irrigated, coarse‐textured soil
ML Wilson, CJ Rosen, JF Moncrief
Agronomy Journal 101 (4), 897-905, 2009
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