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Jeromos Vukov
Jeromos Vukov
University of Lisbon and ATP-group, Lisbon, Portugal
cii.fc.ul.pt üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Phase diagrams for an evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game on two-dimensional lattices
G Szabó, J Vukov, A Szolnoki
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (4 …, 2005
Cooperation in the noisy case: Prisoner’s dilemma game on two types of regular random graphs
J Vukov, G Szabó, A Szolnoki
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (6 …, 2006
Cooperation for volunteering and partially random partnerships
G Szabó, J Vukov
Physical Review E 69 (3), 036107, 2004
Evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game on Newman-Watts networks
J Vukov, G Szabó, A Szolnoki
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (2 …, 2008
Selection of noise level in strategy adoption for spatial social dilemmas
A Szolnoki, J Vukov, G Szabó
Physical Review E 80 (5), 056112, 2009
Evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game on hierarchical lattices
J Vukov, G Szabó
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (3 …, 2005
Selection of dynamical rules in spatial prisoner's dilemma games
G Szabó, A Szolnoki, J Vukov
Europhysics Letters 87 (1), 18007, 2009
Diverging fluctuations in a spatial five-species cyclic dominance game
J Vukov, A Szolnoki, G Szabó
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (2 …, 2013
From pairwise to group interactions in games of cyclic dominance
A Szolnoki, J Vukov, M Perc
Physical Review E 89 (6), 062125, 2014
Individual memory and the emergence of cooperation
J Moreira, J Vukov, C Sousa, FC Santos, AF d'Almeida, MD Santos, ...
Animal Behaviour 85 (1), 233-239, 2013
Escaping the tragedy of the commons via directed investments
J Vukov, FC Santos, JM Pacheco
Journal of theoretical biology 287, 37-41, 2011
Cognitive strategies take advantage of the cooperative potential of heterogeneous networks
J Vukov, FC Santos, JM Pacheco
New Journal of Physics 14 (6), 063031, 2012
Reward from punishment does not emerge at all costs
J Vukov, FL Pinheiro, FC Santos, JM Pacheco
PLoS computational biology 9 (1), e1002868, 2013
Incipient cognition solves the spatial reciprocity conundrum of cooperation
J Vukov, FC Santos, JM Pacheco
PLoS One 6 (3), e17939, 2011
Metapopulation dynamics across gradients–the relation between colonization and extinction in shaping the range edge
B Oborny, J Vukov, G Csányi, G Meszéna
Oikos 118 (10), 1453-1460, 2009
Payoff components and their effects in a spatial three-strategy evolutionary social dilemma
J Vukov, L Varga, B Allen, MA Nowak, G Szabó
Physical Review E 92 (1), 012813, 2015
Self-organizing patterns in an evolutionary rock-paper-scissors game for stochastic synchronized strategy updates
L Varga, J Vukov, G Szabo
Physical Review E 90 (4), 042920, 2014
Accurate reactions open up the way for more cooperative societies
J Vukov
Physical Review E 90 (3), 032802, 2014
Evolúciós játékok gráfokon= Evolutionary games on graphs
G Szabó, A Szolnoki, J Vukov
OTKA Kutatási Jelentések| OTKA Research Reports, 2012
Individual Cognition and the Complexity of Cooperation
AF d'Almeida, J Moreira, MD Santos, J Vukov, FC Santos, C Sousa, ...
FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 82 (6), 372-372, 2011
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