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Nathalie Chalifour
Nathalie Chalifour
uottawa.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Land use law for sustainable development
NJ Chalifour, P Kameri-Mbote, LH Lye, JR Nolon
Cambridge University Press, 2006
A feminist perspective on carbon taxes
NJ Chalifour
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 22 (1), 169-212, 2010
Jurisdictional Wrangling over Climate Policy in the Canadian Federation: Key Issues in the Provincial Constitutional Challenges to Parliament’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing …
NJ Chalifour
Ottawa L Rev 2, 197, 0
Feeling the Heat: Climate Litigation Under the Canadian Charter’s Right to Life, Liberty, and Security of the Person”(2018) 42
NJ Chalifour, J Earle
Vt L Rev 4, 689 at 694, 0
Global trade rules and the world's forests: Taking stock of the World Trade Organization's implications for forests
N Chalifour
Geo. Int'l Envtl. L. Rev. 12, 575, 1999
Making Federalism Work for Climate Change: Canada's Division of Powers over Carbon Taxes
NJ Chalifour
National Journal of Constitutional Law 22 (2), 119, 2008
Are Climate Change Policies Fair to Vulnerable Communities-The Impact of British Columbia's Carbon Tax and Australia's Carbon Pricing Policy on Indigenous Communities
K Bubna-Litic, NJ Chalifour
Dalhousie LJ 35, 127, 2012
Bringing Justice to Environmental Assessment: An Examination of Kearl Oil Sands Joint Review Panel and the Health Concerns of the Community of Fort Chipewyan
NJ Chalifour
Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 21, 31-64, 2010
Ecosystem service valuation, market-based instruments, and sustainable forest management: A primer
J Anderson, C Gomez, G McCarney, WL Adamowicz, NJ Chalifour, ...
Nathalie and Weber, Marian and Elgie, Stewart and Howlett, Michael …, 2010
Canadian climate federalism: Parliament’s Ample Constitutional Authority to legislate GHG emissions through regulations, a National Cap and Trade Program, or a National Carbon Tax
NJ Chalifour
Practicing precaution and adaptive management: legal, institutional and procedural dimensions of scientific uncertainty
J Benidickson, NJ Chalifour, Y Prévost, JA Chandler, A Dabrowski, ...
Institutional and Procedural Dimensions of Scientific Uncertainty, 2005
The constitutional authority to levy carbon taxes
N Chalifour, T Courchene, JR Allan
Canada: The State of the Federation 2009. Carbon Pricing and Environmental …, 2010
Coming of Age in a Warming World: The Charter’s Section 15 (1) Equality Guarantee and Youth-Led Climate Litigation”(2021) 17
NJ Chalifour, J Earle, L Macintyre
JL & Equality 1, 1 at 75–85, 0
Coming of age in a warming world: The Charter's Section 15 (1) equality guarantee and youth-led climate litigation
NJ Chalifour, J Earle, L Macintyre
JL & Equal. 17, 1, 2021
Are Climate Change Policies Fair to Vulnerable Communities? The Impact of British Columbia’s Carbon Tax and Australia’s Carbon Pricing Policy on Indigenous Communities”(2012) 35
K Bubna-Litic, NJ Chalifour
Dal LJ 2, 127, 0
Jurisdictional Wrangling Over Climate Policy in the Canadian Federation: Key Issues in the Provincial Constitutional Challenges to Parliament's Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
NJ Chalifour
Ottawa L. Rev. 50, 197, 2019
How a gendered understanding of climate change can help shape Canadian climate policy
NJ Chalifour
Climate Change and Gender in Rich Countries, 233-249, 2017
Environmental Justice and the Charter: Do environmental injustices infringe sections 7 and 15 of the Charter?
NJ Chalifour
Energy, governance and sustainability
JJ i Manzano, N Chalifour, LJ Kotzé
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016
Environmental discrimination and the charter’s equality guarantee: the case of drinking water for first nations living on reserves
NJ Chalifour
Revue générale de droit 43, 183-222, 2013
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