Takip et
zuraida abal abas
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Enhanced convergence of Bat Algorithm based on dimensional and inertia weight factor
MR Ramli, ZA Abas, MI Desa, ZZ Abidin, MB Alazzam
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 31 (4 …, 2019
Multilayer perceptron neural network in classifying gender using fingerprint global level features
SF Abdullah, A Rahman, ZA Abas, WHM Saad
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (9), 1-6, 2016
Comparison between Louvain and Leiden algorithm for network structure: a review
SHH Anuar, ZA Abas, NM Yunos, NHM Zaki, NA Hashim, MF Mokhtar, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2129 (1), 012028, 2021
Adoption factor of mobile marketing: The case of small medium enterprises in Malaysia
H Musa, SCH Li, ZA Abas, N Mohamad
International Review of Management and Marketing 6 (7), 112-115, 2016
A center-based stable evolving clustering algorithm with grid partitioning and extended mobility features for VANETs
MS Talib, A Hassan, T Alamery, ZA Abas, AAJ Mohammed, AJ Ibrahim, ...
IEEE Access 8, 169908-169921, 2020
A supply model for nurse workforce projection in Malaysia
ZA Abas, MR Ramli, MI Desa, N Saleh, AN Hanafiah, N Aziz, ZZ Abidin, ...
Health Care Management Science 21, 573-586, 2018
Classification of gender by using fingerprint ridge density in northern part of Malaysia
SF Abdullah, A Rahman, ZA Abas
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 10 (22), 10722-10726, 2015
Integrating local and global information to identify influential nodes in complex networks
MF Mukhtar, Z Abal Abas, AS Baharuddin, MN Norizan, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 11411, 2023
Analytics: A review of current trends, future application and challenges
ZA Abas, AFNA Rahman, G Pramudya, SY Wee, F Kasmin, N Yusof, ...
Compusoft 9 (1), 3560-3565, 2020
Mosquito larvae detection using deep learning
S Asmai, M Zukhairin, A Jaya, A Rahman, Z Abas
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2019
A novel stable clustering approach based on Gaussian distribution and relative velocity in VANETs
MS Talib, A Hassan, B Hussin, ZA Abas, ZS Talib, ZS Rasoul
Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl 9 (4), 216-220, 2018
Solving Complex Nurse Scheduling Problems Using Particle Swarm Optimization
NKI Mohamad Raziff Ramli, Burairah Hussin, Zuraida Abal Abas
International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) 11 (0), 2016
Flood prediction using deep learning models
MHM Ali, SA Asmai, ZZ Abidin, ZA Abas, NA Emran
Int J Adv Comput Sci Appl 13 (9), 972-81, 2022
Development of a fingerprint gender classification algorithm using fingerprint global features
SF Abdullah, A Rahman, ZA Abas, WHM Saad
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (6), 2016
Fingerprint gender classification using univariate decision tree (j48)
SF Abdullah, A Rahman, ZA Abas, WHM Saad
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (9), 2016
Data normalization for triangle features by adapting triangle nature for better classification
MS Azmi, NA Arbain, AK Muda, ZA Abas, Z Muslim
2015 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing …, 2015
Clustering based affinity propagation in VANETs: Taxonomy and opportunity of research
MS Talib, A Hassan, ZA Abas, A Abdul-hussian, MF Ali
Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng 7 (6S5), 672-679, 2019
Ensemble machine learning algorithm optimization of bankruptcy prediction of bank
B Siswoyo, ZA Abas, ANC Pee, R Komalasari, N Suyatna
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 11 (2), 679, 2022
Implementation of network traffic monitoring using software defined networking Ryu controller
O Alssaheli, Z Zainal Abidin, N Zakaria, Z Abal Abas
WSEAS Trans. Syst. Control 16, 270-277, 2021
Support vector machine, multilayer perceptron neural network, bayes net and k-nearest neighbor in classifying gender using fingerprint features
SF Abdullah, A Rahman, ZA Abas, WHM Saad
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 14 (7), 336, 2016
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