Towards an international levee performance database (ILPD) and its use for macro-scale analysis of levee breaches and failures IE Özer, M van Damme, SN Jonkman Water 12 (1), 119, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Applicability of satellite radar imaging to monitor the conditions of levees IE Özer, FJ van Leijen, SN Jonkman, RF Hanssen Journal of Flood Risk Management 12 (S2), e12509, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Sub-seasonal Levee Deformation Observed Using Satellite Radar Interferometry to Enhance Flood Protection IE Özer, SJH Rikkert, FJ van Leijen, SN Jonkman, RF Hanssen Scientific Reports 9 (2646), 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
On the importance of analyzing flood defense failures IE Özer, M van Damme, T Schweckendiek, SN Jonkman E3S Web of Conferences 7, 03013, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Towards an international levee performance database (ILPD) and its use for macro-scale analysis of levee breaches and failures. Water 12 (1): 119 IE Ozer, M van Damme, SN Jonkman | 7 | 2020 |
Towards an International Levee Performance Database (ILPD) and Its Use for Macro-Scale Analysis of Levee Breaches and Failures. Water 2020; 12 (1): 119 IE Özer, M van Damme, SN Jonkman | 4 | |
Understanding Levee Failures from Historical and Satellite Observations IE Özer, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
End-of-life rule checking for transport infrastructure: The case of navigation locks KE Bektas, IE Ozer Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems, 3198-3205, 2023 | | 2023 |
How to incorporate climate change projections in the probabilistic assessment of civil structures RS IE Ozer, NE Meinen HERON 67 (2), 2023 | | 2023 |
Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of an Existing Sheet Pile Wall Case Study MG van der Krogt, T Schweckendiek, DL Allaix, IE Özer | | 2022 |
SAFELevee: Het verbeteren van de betrouwbaarheid van waterkeringen door een beter begrip van de faalmechanismen E Ozer, J Kool, M van Damme, SN Jonkman | | 2019 |
Dijkinspecties vanuit de ruimte: droom of werkelijkheid? E Ozer, S Rikkert, F van Leijen, SN Jonkman, R Hanssen Land+ Water: vakblad voor civiel-en milieutechniek 5, 30-31, 2019 | | 2019 |
SAFELevee IE Özer, JJ Kool, M van Damme, SN Jonkman | | 2019 |
Satellietdeformatiemetingen Eemdijk: Technisch Report E Ozer, F van Leijen POV Macrostabiliteit, 2018 | | 2018 |
Preliminary Results of the Safelevee Project M Van Damme, IE Ozer, SJH Rikkert, F Van Leijen Twenty-Sixth International Congress on Large Dams/Vingt-Sixième Congrès …, 2018 | | 2018 |
Detection and Analysis of Weak Spots in Levees Based on Satellite Radar Interferometry IE Ozer, F van Leijen, M van Damme, SN Jonkman, RF Hanssen Fringe 10th International Workshop on: Advances in the Science and …, 2017 | | 2017 |
POV MACRO E Ozer | | |