Takip et
Larry D. Pyeatt
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A comparison between cellular encoding and direct encoding for genetic neural networks
F Gruau, D Whitley, L Pyeatt
Proceedings of the 1st annual conference on genetic programming, 81-89, 1996
Fuzzy decision tree function approximation in reinforcement learning
H Shah, M Gopal
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2 (1-2 …, 2010
Interpretation of fluorescence fingerprints of crude oils and other hydrocarbon mixtures using neural networks
MV Reyes, LD Pyeatt
US Patent 5,424,959, 1995
Reinforcement learning for closed-loop propofol anesthesia: a study in human volunteers
BL Moore, LD Pyeatt, V Kulkarni, P Panousis, K Padrez, AG Doufas
The journal of machine learning research 15 (1), 655-696, 2014
Cellular Encoding Applied to Neurocontrol.
LD Whitley, F Gruau, LD Pyeatt
ICGA 95, 460-467, 1995
Learning to Race: Experiments with a Simulated Race Car.
LD Pyeatt, AE Howe
FLAIRS, 357-361, 1998
Reinforcement learning: a novel method for optimal control of propofol-induced hypnosis
BL Moore, AG Doufas, LD Pyeatt
Anesthesia & Analgesia 112 (2), 360-367, 2011
Hyperplane Ranking in Simple Genetic Algorithms.
LD Whitley, KE Mathias, LD Pyeatt
ICGA, 231-238, 1995
Reinforcement learning with decision trees.
LD Pyeatt
21 st IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, 26-31, 2003
Intelligent Control of Closed-Loop Sedation in Simulated ICU Patients.
BL Moore, ED Sinzinger, TM Quasny, LD Pyeatt
FLAIRS, 109-114, 2004
Reinforcement learning for closed-loop propofol anesthesia: A human volunteer study
BLMBL Moore, P Panousis, V Kulkarni, L Pyeatt, AGDAG Doufas
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (2), 1807-1813, 2010
Integrating POMDP and reinforcement learning for a two layer simulated robot architecture
LD Pyeatt, AE Howe
Proceedings of the third annual conference on Autonomous Agents, 168-174, 1999
Fuzzy control for closed-loop, patient-specific hypnosis in intraoperative patients: A simulation study
BL Moore, LD Pyeatt, AG Doufas
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
An adaptive neural network filter for improved patient state estimation in closed-loop anesthesia control
EC Borera, BL Moore, AG Doufas, LD Pyeatt
2011 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2011
A parallel algorithm for POMDP solution
LD Pyeatt, AE Howe
European Conference on Planning, 73-83, 1999
ARM 64-bit assembly language
LD Pyeatt, W Ughetta
Newnes, 2019
Integration of partially observable Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning for simulated robot navigation
LD Pyeatt
Colorado State University, 1999
Modern assembly language programming with the ARM processor
LD Pyeatt
Newnes, 2016
Curvature-Velocity Method for Differentially Steered Robots.
TM Quasny, LD Pyeatt, JL Moore
Modelling, Identification and Control, 618-622, 2003
Constructing transition models of AI planner behavior
AE Howe, LD Pyeatt
Proceedings of the 11th Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference, 33-41, 1996
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