Takip et
Sabine Walper
Sabine Walper
Forschungsdirektorin Deutsches Jugendinstitut, München; Prof. für Allg. Pädagogik und
lmu.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Handbuch der Sozialisationsforschung
K Hurrelmann, U Bauer, M Grundmann, S Walper
Beltz, 2015
Panel analysis of intimate relationships and family dynamics (pairfam): Conceptual framework and design
J Huinink, J Brüderl, B Nauck, S Walper, L Castiglioni, M Feldhaus
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 23 (1), 77-101, 2011
The German family panel (pairfam)
J Brüderl, S Drobnič, K Hank, FJ Neyer, S Walper, P Alt, C Bozoyan, ...
GESIS data archive, Cologne. ZA5678 Data file Version 11 (0), 10.4232, 2020
Changes in employment and relationship satisfaction in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the German family Panel
L Schmid, J Wörn, K Hank, B Sawatzki, S Walper
European Societies 23 (S1), S743-S758, 2021
Zum Stand der Sozialisationsforschung
K Hurrelmann, M Grundmann, S Walper
Handbuch Sozialisationsforschung 7, 14-31, 2008
Was wird aus den Kindern
S Walper, B Schwarz
Chancen und Risiken für die Entwicklung von, 1999
Familiäre Konsequenzen ökonomischer Deprivation
S Walper
Psychologie-Verlag-Union, 1988
Auswirkungen von Armut auf die Entwicklung von Kindern
S Walper
Lepenies, A./Nunner-Winkler, G./Schäfer, GE/Walper, S.: Kindliche …, 1999
Types of individuation in relation to parents: Predictors and outcomes
J Kruse, S Walper
International journal of behavioral development 32 (5), 390-400, 2008
Kinder und Jugendliche in Armut
S Walper
Bieback, K.-J./Milz. H.(Hrsg.): Neue Armut. Frankfurt/M., S, 1995
Risk factors for child abuse, neglect and exposure to intimate partner violence in early childhood: Findings in a representative cross-sectional sample in Germany
C Liel, SM Ulrich, S Lorenz, A Eickhorst, J Fluke, S Walper
Child abuse & neglect 106, 104487, 2020
Sozialisation in Armut
S Walper
Handbuch Sozialisationsforschung 7, 203-216, 2008
Fall from grace: Increased loneliness and depressiveness among extraverted youth during the German COVID‐19 lockdown
P Alt, J Reim, S Walper
Journal of research on adolescence 31 (3), 678-691, 2021
Family income loss and economic hardship: Antecedents of adolescents' problem behavior
RK Silbereisen, S Walper, HT Albrecht
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 1990 (46), 27-47, 1990
Three years into the pandemic: results of the longitudinal German COPSY study on youth mental health and health-related quality of life
U Ravens-Sieberer, J Devine, AK Napp, A Kaman, L Saftig, M Gilbert, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 11, 1129073, 2023
Children’s understanding of white lies
S Walper, R Valtin
Politeness in language: Studies in its history, theory and practice (ed. by …, 1992
Mit den Augen der Kinder
R Valtin
Freundschaft, Geheimnisse, Lügen, Streit und Strafe. Reinbek, 1991
A systemic perspective on children’s emotional insecurity in relation to father: Links to parenting, interparental conflict and children’s social well-being
U Lux, S Walper
Attachment & Human Development 21 (5), 467-484, 2019
Die Individuation in Beziehung zu beiden Eltern bei Kindern und Jugendlichen aus konfliktbelasteten Kernfamilien und Trennungsfamilien
S Walper
Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 18 (2), 134-151, 1998
Adolescents' Development in High-Conflict and Separated Families: Evidence from a German Longitudinal Study.
S Walper, K Beckh
Cambridge University Press, 2006
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