A sweepline algorithm for Voronoi diagrams S Fortune Proceedings of the second annual symposium on Computational geometry, 313-322, 1986 | 2389 | 1986 |
Parallelism in random access machines S Fortune, J Wyllie Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 114-118, 1978 | 1498 | 1978 |
Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations S Fortune Handbook of discrete and computational geometry, 705-721, 2017 | 1140 | 2017 |
The directed subgraph homeomorphism problem S Fortune, J Hopcroft, J Wyllie Theoretical Computer Science 10 (2), 111-121, 1980 | 1013 | 1980 |
WISE design of indoor wireless systems: practical computation and optimization SJ Fortune, DM Gay, BW Kernighan, O Landron, RA Valenzuela, ... IEEE Computational science and Engineering 2 (1), 58-68, 1995 | 406 | 1995 |
Comparisons of a computer-based propagation prediction tool with experimental data collected in urban microcellular environments V Erceg, SJ Fortune, J Ling, AJ Rustako, RA Valenzuela IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15 (4), 677-684, 1997 | 334 | 1997 |
Efficient exact arithmetic for computational geometry S Fortune, CJ Van Wyk Proceedings of the ninth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 163-172, 1993 | 258 | 1993 |
The expressiveness of simple and second-order type structures S Fortune, D Leivant, M O'Donnell Journal of the ACM (JACM) 30 (1), 151-185, 1983 | 226 | 1983 |
Radio propagation measurements and prediction using three-dimensional ray tracing in urban environments at 908 MHz and 1.9 GHz SC Kim, BJ Guarino, TM Willis, V Erceg, SJ Fortune, RA Valenzuela, ... IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 48 (3), 931-946, 1999 | 212 | 1999 |
Image segmentation by shape-directed covers HS Baird, SE Jones, SJ Fortune [1990] Proceedings. 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1 …, 1990 | 193 | 1990 |
Planning constrained motion S Fortune, G Wilfong Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1988 | 191 | 1988 |
Static analysis yields efficient exact integer arithmetic for computational geometry S Fortune, CJ Van Wyk ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 15 (3), 223-248, 1996 | 172 | 1996 |
Unbounded fan-in circuits and associative functions AK Chandra, S Fortune, R Lipton Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 52-60, 1983 | 164 | 1983 |
Prediction of indoor electromagnetic wave propagation for wireless indoor systems SJ Fortune, DM Gay, BW Kernighan, O Landron, RA Valenzuela, ... US Patent 5,450,615, 1995 | 146 | 1995 |
Stable maintenance of point set triangulations in two dimensions S Fortune 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 494-499, 1989 | 141 | 1989 |
The complexity of equivalence and containment for free single variable program schemes S Fortune, J Hopcroft, EM Schmidt International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 227-240, 1978 | 137 | 1978 |
A note on sparse complete sets S Fortune SIAM Journal on Computing 8 (3), 431-433, 1979 | 134 | 1979 |
Numerical stability of algorithms for 2D Delaunay triangulations S Fortune Proceedings of the eighth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 83-92, 1992 | 107 | 1992 |
A fast algorithm for polygon containment by translation SJ Fortune Automata, Languages and Programming: 12th Colloquium Nafplion, Greece, July …, 1985 | 101 | 1985 |
An iterated eigenvalue algorithm for approximating roots of univariate polynomials S Fortune Journal of Symbolic Computation 33 (5), 627-646, 2002 | 92 | 2002 |