Stakeholder theory: Reviewing a theory that moves us AO Laplume, K Sonpar, RA Litz Journal of management 34 (6), 1152-1189, 2008 | 1959 | 2008 |
Comparing the agency costs of family and non–family firms: Conceptual issues and exploratory evidence JJ Chrisman, JH Chua, RA Litz Entrepreneurship Theory and practice 28 (4), 335-354, 2004 | 1838 | 2004 |
The family business: Toward definitional clarity RA Litz Family business review 8 (2), 71-81, 1995 | 1231 | 1995 |
A unified systems perspective of family firm performance: An extension and integration JJ Chrisman, JH Chua, R Litz Journal of business venturing 18 (4), 467-472, 2003 | 780 | 2003 |
A resource-based-view of the socially responsible firm: Stakeholder interdependence, ethical awareness, and issue responsiveness as strategic assets RA Litz Journal of Business Ethics 15, 1355-1363, 1996 | 525 | 1996 |
The family firm's exclusion from business school research: Explaining the void; addressing the opportunity RA Litz Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 21 (3), 55-71, 1997 | 271 | 1997 |
Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: Toward a theory of family firm innovation with help from the Brubeck family RA Litz, RF Kleysen Family Business Review 14 (4), 335-352, 2001 | 252 | 2001 |
Charting the future of family business research: Perspectives from the field RA Litz, AW Pearson, S Litchfield Family business review 25 (1), 16-32, 2012 | 249 | 2012 |
Two sides of a one‐sided phenomenon: Conceptualizing the family business and business family as a Möbius strip RA Litz Family Business Review 21 (3), 217-236, 2008 | 237 | 2008 |
Research note: trade name franchise membership as a human resource management strategy: does buying group training deliver ‘true value’for small retailers? RA Litz, AC Stewart Entrepreneurship theory and practice 25 (1), 125-135, 2000 | 103 | 2000 |
Does small store location matter? A test of three classic theories of retail location RA Litz, G Rajaguru Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 21 (4), 477-492, 2008 | 96 | 2008 |
Franchising for sustainable advantage? Comparing the performance of independent retailers and trade-name franchisees RA Litz, AC Stewart Journal of Business Venturing 13 (2), 131-150, 1998 | 90 | 1998 |
When he and she sell seashells: Exploring the relationship between management team gender-balance and small firm performance RA Litz, CA Folker Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 7 (4), 341, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
Charity begins at home: Family firms and patterns of community involvement RA Litz, AC Stewart Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 29 (1), 131-148, 2000 | 80 | 2000 |
Sins of the father’s firm: Exploring responses to inherited ethical dilemmas in family business RA Litz, N Turner Journal of Business Ethics 113, 297-315, 2013 | 47 | 2013 |
Impact of brand‐building activities and retailer‐based brand equity on retailer brand communities S Samu, P Krishnan Lyndem, RA Litz European Journal of Marketing 46 (11/12), 1581-1601, 2012 | 44 | 2012 |
Double roles, double binds? Double bind theory and family business research RA Litz Understanding family businesses: Undiscovered approaches, unique …, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
The late show: The effects of after-hours accessibility on the performance of small retailers RA Litz, AC Stewart Journal of Small Business Management 38 (1), 1, 2000 | 32 | 2000 |
Jamming across the generations: Creative intergenerational collaboration in the Marsalis family RA Litz Journal of Family Business Strategy 1 (4), 185-199, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Red light, green light and other ideas for class participation-intensive courses: Method and implications for business ethics education RA Litz Teaching Business Ethics 7 (4), 365-378, 2003 | 20 | 2003 |